In the production of xanthan gum by the action of Xanthomonas bacteria on a nutrient medium, the specific productivity of the organism employed can be improved by the increase in average cell concentration through the stepwise increase of growth limiting nutrients in the medium.

Jul 14 1980
Jul 14 1980
Jan 19 1982
Jul 14 2000
1. #3# In a continuous process for the production of a heteropolysaccharide by continuously culturing a microorganism of the genus Xanthomonas in a nutrient medium being added to a fermentation zone, withdrawing a heteropolysaccharide-containing effluent from said zone while continuing said process at a rate such that an essentially steady state condition is maintained, the improvement which comprises conducting said process (1) in the presence of sufficient growth limiting nutrient in said medium to produce an average cell concentration of said microorganism of from about 1.5 to less than about 3 gm/liter, and (2) thereafter increasing the growth limiting nutrient in said medium to produce an increased cell concentration of said microorganism of not more than about 5 gm/liter whereby the quantity of said heteropolysaccharide produced per gram of said microorganism at steady state condition is increased. #5#
2. The process of #3# claim 1 in which nitrogen is employed as the limiting growth nutrient in said medium. #5#
3. The process of #3# claim 2 in which the growth limiting nutrient in said medium is held at a concentration level of from about 0.001 to about 0.07 percent. #5#
4. The process of #3# claim 2 in which the limiting growth nutrient in said medium ranges from about 0.1 to 15 percent of the desired microorganism concentration. #5#
5. The process of #3# claim 1 in which the average concentration of said microorganism produced in said medium in step (2) ranges from about 3 to about 5 grams/liter. #5#
6. The process of #3# claim 1 wherein said medium contains essentially glucose, mineral salts, NH #5# 4 Cl, and a mixture of vitamins.
7. The process of #3# claim 1 in which the heteropolysaccharide is xanthan. #5#
8. The process of #3# claim 2 in which the nitrogen as the growth limiting nutrient is supplied by glutamic acid. #5#
9. The process of #3# claim 2 in which the growth limiting nutrient is nitrogen supplied by one of the group consisting of ammonium chloride and ammonia gas. #5#
10. The process of #3# claim 2 in which the growth limiting nutrient is nitrogen which is supplied by yeast extract. #5#
11. The process of #3# claim 4 in which the limiting growth nutrient in said medium ranges from about 8 to about 10 percent of the desired microorganism concentration. #5#
12. The process of #3# claim 6 in which the glutamic acid is added to said medium. #5#
13. The process of #3# claim 12 in which yeast extract is added to said medium. #5#
14. The process of #3# claim 1 which comprises additionally conducting step (1) for at least about three culture turnovers. #5#
15. The process of #3# claim 14 wherein step (1) is conducted for at least about ten culture turnovers. #5#
16. The process of #3# claim 1 in which the initial average cell concentration is about 1.5 gm to about 2.5 gm/liter. #5#

The present invention relates to a method for improving the efficiency of the process for producing heteropolysaccharides, such as xanthan gum, by the action of bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas on suitable nutrient media. More particularly, it is concerned with improvement of the specific productivity of Xanthomonas species during continuous fermentation. The expression "specific productivity", for the purpose of the present description is a measurement of the amount of product formed by a given quantity of cells in a given unit of time, e.g., generally expressed as gm of product/gm cells/hr.

Fermentation of the inoculated medium with Xanthomonas organisms for 36-72 hours under aerobic conditions, results in the formation of xanthan gum which is separated from other components of the medium by precipitation with acetone or methanol in a known manner. Because of the time required to ferment each batch, the low bipolymer content of the fermented medium and the processing steps required for the recovery and purification of the product, xanthan is relatively expensive.

Earlier work has indicated that the heteropolysaccharides produced by the action of Xanthomonas bacteria on carbohydrate media have potential application as film forming agents, as thickeners for body building agents in edible products, cosmetic preparations, pharmaceutical vehicles, oil field drilling fluids, fracturing liquids, and emulsifying, stabilizing, and sizing agents. Heteropolysaccharides, particularly xanthan gum, have significant potential as mobility control agents in micellar polymer flooding. Xanthan gum has excellent viscosifying properties at low concentration, it is resistant to shear degradation and exhibits only minimal losses in viscosity as a function of temperature, pH, and ionic strength. For these reasons, it is an attractive alternative synthetic polyacrylamides for enhanced oil recovery operations.

However, in order for xanthan gum to be used in enhanced oil recovery operations as a mobility control agent, the cost must be sufficiently low to make such operations economical. The economics of xanthan production by continuous fermentation are more favorable than when a batch fermentation process is employed. It has been shown that the economics of continuous xanthan fermentation are sensitive, at least in part, to the specific productivity at which the culture is operating. Therefore, any process improvements which enhance specific productivity will improve the overall economics. For example, at a dilution rate of 0.08 hr -1, increasing the specific productivity from 0.12 to 0.2 gm xanthan/gm cells/hr can lower the per pound price of xanthan by as much as 20%.

The most pertinent prior art of which I am aware is as follows:

1. P. Rogovin, et al., 1970, "Continuous Fermentation to Produce Xanthan Biopolymers: Laboratory Investigation", Biotechnol. Bioeng., XII, pp. 75-83.

2. K. W. Silman, et al., 1972, "Continuous Fermentation to Produce Xanthan Biopolymer: Effect of Dilution Rate", Biotechnol. Bioeng., XIV, pp. 23-31.

3. P. Rogovin, et al., U.S. 3,485,719, "Continuous Production of Xanthan".

4. G. P. Lindblom, et al., U.S. Pat. No. 3,328,262, "Heteropolysaccharide Fermentation Process".

5. Netherlands Patent Application No. 7,612,448, "Method for the Production of Bacterial Polysaccharides".

6. "Production of Polysaccharides by Xanthomonas campestris in Continuous Culture", FEMS Microbiology Letters, 347-349 (1978) by I. W. Davidson.

7. "Process for the Production of Xanthan Gum", British Patent Application No. 2,008,138 (A. Tate and Lyle, LTD).

During continuous culture, the concentration of biomass is set by the concentration of the limiting nutrient being fed with the medium and biomass concentration can be varied by raising or lowering the limiting nutrient concentration. Ordinarily when biomass concentration is varied one would not expect that the specific productivity or xanthan production efficiency of the culture would be changed. In other words, if cell concentration is doubled, xanthan concentration in the output should also double since all cells in the culture should continue to make xanthan at the same rate. If one were to expect any change in specific productivity to occur, it would be toward a decreased specific productivity because as xanthan concentration increases, viscosity also increases and this could lead to problems of mass transfer of nutrients into the cell and the transport of xanthan away from the cell, thus, lowering production efficiency.

Contrary to the foregoing, I have found that by growing a species of the genus Xanthomonas for example, Xanthomonas campestris, in continuous culture in a medium containing glucose, mineral salts, and NH4 Cl and either glutamate or glutamate plus yeast extract, the specific productivity can be improved by first operating (under nitrogen-limited conditions) at a cell concentration of about 2 gm/liter and then raising the cell concentration up to 4-5 grams/liter. Where mentioned throughout the present description and claims, the cell concentration is given in terms of dry weight. The increase in cell concentration is obtained by increasing the concentration of nitrogen, the limiting nutrient in the medium. Of course, other elements in place of nitrogen as the limiting nutrient, such as, for example, phosphorous, sulfur or potassium, may be employed. The amount of limiting nutrient may vary from about 0.1 to 15%, preferably 0.3 to 10% of the desired cell concentration at steady state although concentration levels of from about 0.001 to about 0.07% are useful. Where nitrogen is the limiting nutrient it can be supplied by NH4 Cl, glutamate, yeast autolysate, yeast extract or various combinations thereof.

The continuous culture process used is standard from the standpoint of equipment and environmental conditions employed. Any continuous fermenter configuration may be used with provisions for medium input, culture harvesting, agitation, aeration, temperature and pH control, foam control and measurement of dissolved oxygen.

After seeding the medium with an inoculum of culture (usually 5 to 10% of the medium volume), the culture is allowed to grow in a batch mode for 24 to 48 hours until a desired cell concentration is reached. The medium employed contains glucose, mineral salts, and ammonium chloride, with or without glutamic acid, as well as either a mixture of vitamins or vitamins plus glutamic acid, or glutamic acid plus yeast extract. Other amino acids may be substituted for glutamic acid such as L-histidine, methionine, tryptophan, tryrosine, threonine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and arginine. Yeast autolysate may be substituted for or combined with yeast extract as a nitrogen source.

Continuous culture is initiated by pumping in fresh sterile medium at a desired flow rate and drawing off product at the same rate, based on an overflow level control device. The dilution rate (flow rate divided by fermenter liquid volume) is set to be initially 75% of the maximum specified growth rate of the culture. After two culture turnovers (a turnover is the time required to completely replace 1 volume of broth in the fermentation vessel, or the reciprocal of the dilution rate), the dilution rate is set at the desired level.

Initially the cell concentration is set in a range of 1.5 to 2.5 gm/liter. After steady state has been reached in the culture, the cell concentration is increased to approximately double by addition of more nitrogen to the input medium, again in the form of ammonium chloride, glutamate, or yeast extract. Steady state occurs when culture parameters which are not externally controlled, such as xanthan productivity, xanthan concentration, and residual glucose, are essentially constant. The cell concentration should be increased after at least about three culture turnovers and after preferably about ten culture turnovers. Once cell concentration increases and a new steady state reached, the specific productivity is found to be higher than during the original steady state at lower cell concentration.

In carrying out the process of the present invention, the following broad and preferred operating conditions are noted below:

Dilution Rate 0.01-0.14 hr-1
Preferably 0.04-0.1 hr-1
Temperature: 20-35°C
Preferably 25-35°C
pH: 5.5-8.5
Preferably 6.0-7.4
Air Rate: 0.2-2 vvm
Preferably 0.5-1 vvm
Agitation Rate: 200-1200 rpm
Preferably 500-800 rpm
Dissolved O2 :
5-90% of saturation
Preferably 20-80% of saturation

The expression "nutrient medium" as used in the present description and claims is intended to mean a medium that contains in known composition and proportions, essential mineral salts, trace elements, glucose or equivalent carbohydrate, and defined supplemental organic growth factors; i.e., vitamins with or without appropriate amino acids such as those name above. In place of the defined nitrogen source, an undefined source thereof such as yeast extract, yeast autolysate, etc., may be employed. Representative species of the Xanthomonas genus which may be used in carrying out my invention include Xanthomonas carotae, Xanthomonas phaseoli, Xanthomonas papaverilcola, Xanthomonas begoniae, Xanthomonas hederae, Xanthomonas translucens, Xanthomonas vasculorum, Xanthomonas vesicatoria, Xanthomonas incanae, and Xanthomonas malvacearum.

Cultures of these organisms as well as other of this genus may be obtained from the American Type Collection in Rockville, Maryland.

The present invention will be further illustrated by the following specific examples:

Xamthomonas campestris NRRL B-1459 was grown continuously in a 7.5 liter fermenter using a liquid nutrient medium having the following composition:

Ingredient Amt/Liter
Dextrose 22.5 gm
L-Histidine 1 mg
DL-Methionine 2 mg
L-Tryptophan 2 mg
Biotin 2 mcg
Ca Pantothenate 400 mcg
Folic Acid 3000 mcg
Inositol 2000 mcg
Niacin 400 mcg
p-Amino Benzoic Acid 200 mg
Pyridoxine HCl 200 mcg
Riboflavin 200 mcg
Thiamine Hcl 400 mcg
H3 BO3 500 mcg
CuSO4 40 mcg
KI 100 mcg
FeCl3 3.98 mg
MnSO4 400 mcg
Na2 MoO4 200 mcg
ZnSO4 400 mcg
KH2 PO4 1 gm
KgSO4 0.5 gm
KCl 0.57 gm
NaCl 0.1 gm
CaCl2 0.1 gm
NH4 Cl 0.37 gm
Citric Acid 0.11 gm

The culture was operated initially for 84 hours at a dilution rate of 0.053 hr-1. The nitrogen was supplied by ammonium chloride at a nitrogen concentration of 0.036%. This gave an average cell concentration of 2.87 gm/liter resulting in a specific productivity of 0.15 gm/gm cells/hr (ranging between 0.13 and 0.17). After raising the dilution to 0.104 hr-1, the culture was operated for 49 hours at an average cell concentration of 2.53 gm/liter, and the specific productivity decreased to an average of 0.13 gm/gm cells/hr. Next the concentration of nutrients in the medium was increased to 1.5 strength, but the nitrogen concentration was kept constant at 0.035% at a dilution rate of 0.106 hr-1. The unit was operated in this mode for 74 hrs. The average cell concentration was 2.13 gm/liter and specific productivity was 0.14 gm/gm cells/hr. Thus, increasing the concentration of inorganic nutrients and vitamins but not nitrogen had no effect on specific productivity.

Next glutamic acid was incorporated into the medium, everything else being kept constant such that the total nitrogen concentration was increased to 0.056%. This required the addition of 0.21% glutamic acid. Over the next 63 hours (279-342 hrs), the culture approached a new steady state. The cell concentration rose from 2.13 to 4.2 gm/liter and the specific productivity increased from 0.13-0.14 to 0.17-0.18 gm/gm cells/hr. When steady state was reached, the culture was maintained for 55 hours at a cell concentration of 4.36 gm/liter and an average specific productivity of 0.18 (ranging from 0.168 to 0.192 gm/gm cell/hr). Thereafter, the medium was changed to eliminate vitamins completely and resulted in the composition given below:

Minimal Medium + Glutamic Acid
Ingredient Amt/Liter
Dextrose 22.5 gm
KH2 PO4 0.88 gm
K2 SO4 0.54 gm
MgSO4 7H2 O
0.056 gm
MgSO4 7H2 O
0.056 gm
CaCl4 2H2 O
0.17 gm
Citric acid 0.17 gm
Glutamic acid 2.07 gm
NH4 Cl 1.53 gm
FeSO4 7H2 O
16.7 mg
ZnSO4 0.48 mg as Zn
MnSO4 0.45 mg as Mn
CuSO4 0.048 mg as Cu
Na2 MoO4 0.30 mg as Mo
KI 0.24 mg as I

The nitrogen concentration was maintained at 0.055%. Over the next 88 hours, cell concentration was at an average of 4.26 gm/liter, with an average specific productivity of 0.18 (ranging from 0.169 to 0.198). During the last 77 hours of operation under the same conditions, the average cell concentration decreased slightly to 3.8 gm/liter. The specific productivity averaged 0.19 gm/gm cell/hr (ranging from 0.187 to 0.206).

Thus, from the foregoing example, it is seen that one can increase the specific productivity of a species of the genus Xanthomonas in continuous fermentation to produce xanthan gum by increasing cell concentration using ammonium chloride as the nitrogen source and supplementing with glutamic acid nitrogen. The results of the above run are noted in the table below:

Time Cell Spec. Prod.
Period Conc'n Xanthan Visc.
(gm/gm Rate
(Hour) (gm/liter)
(conc'n %)
(cp) cells/hr)
Nutrient concentration in medium (1×); N = 0.036%
0-96 2.87 0.80 2950 0.15 0.053
Increased dilution rate to 0.104 hr-1
2.53 0.40 330 0.13 0.104
Nutrient concentration in medium (1.5×); N = 0.056%
2.13 0.28 300 0.14 0.106
Medium containing glutamic acid; N = 0.056%
Approaching steady state
4.36 0.75 1956 0.18 0.106
Removed vitamins; N = 0.055%
4.26 0.73 1890 0.18 0.104
3.8 0.68 1670 0.19 0.103

Xanthomonas campestris NRRL B-12074, obtainable from the Northern Regional Research Center of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Peoria, Ill., was grown in continuous culture in a medium containing glucose, mineral salts, ammonium chloride, yeast extract, and sodium glutamate. The composition of this medium is given below:

Ingredient Amt/Liter
NH4 Cl 0.857 gm
KH2 PO4 0.68 gm
K2 SO4 0.174 gm
MgSO4 0.06 gm
CaCl2 0.011 gm
Yeast Extract (Difco)
0.4 gm
Na glutamate 0.02 gm
Citric acid 0.09 gm
FeSO4 7H2 O
5.56 mg
ZnSO4 0.16 mg as Zn
MnSO4 0.15 mg as Mn
CuSO4 0.16 mg as Cu
Na2 MoO4 0.1 mg as Mo
KI 0.8 mg as I
H3 BO3 0.03 mg as B
CoCl2 0.06 mg as Co
Glucose 20 gm

The ammonium chloride concentration was 16 mM (0.856 gm/liter) and supplied 90% of the total nitrogen with the remaining 10% supplied from yeast extract and sodium glutamate. The culture was operated at a dilution rate of 0.09 hr-1 for 268 hours and yielded an average cell concentration of 2.09 gm/liter, with an average specific productivity of 0.125 gm/gm cells/hr. Over the next 91 hours, the nitrogen concentration in the medium was gradually increased by addition of supplemental nitrogen in the form of ammonia gas. When steady state was reached, the culture operated for 244 hrs. at a cell concentration of 4.23 gm/liter (average), and the specific productivity increased to an average value of 0.17 with a range of 0.16 to 0.2 gm xanthan/gm cells/hr.

Thus, it is seen that in the above examples, specific productivity was increased by increasing cell concentration through the use of supplemental ammonium ion provided from ammonia gas. The data obtained in Example II are reproduced in the table below:

Time Cell Spec. Prod.
Period Conc'n Xanthan Visc.
(gm/gm Rate
(Hour) (gm/liter)
(conc'n %)
(cp) cells/hr)
2.09 0.32 600 0.125 0.09
Incrementallyincrease N in feed using NH3
4.23 0.80 1580 0.17 0.09

From the foregoing description, it will be apparent that the present invention provides a means for substantially improving the efficiency (specific productivity) of bacteria of the genus Xanthomonas to produce xanthan gum. This development has a very practical application in plants for the commercial production of xanthan.

Weisrock, William P.

Patent Priority Assignee Title
4752580, Jun 29 1983 Shell Oil Company Process for preparing Xanthomonas heteropolysaccharides
4758356, Jun 29 1983 Shell Oil Company Process for preparing Xanthomonas heteropolysaccharides
5017479, Feb 18 1988 Elf Sanofi Process for multiplication of polysaccharide-producing microorganisms and use thereof in a polysaccharide production process
Patent Priority Assignee Title
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Jul 14 1980Standard Oil Company (Indiana)(assignment on the face of the patent)
Apr 23 1985Standard Oil CompanyAmoco CorporationCHANGE OF NAME SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS 0045580872 pdf
Date Maintenance Fee Events

Date Maintenance Schedule
Jan 19 19854 years fee payment window open
Jul 19 19856 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 19 1986patent expiry (for year 4)
Jan 19 19882 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 4)
Jan 19 19898 years fee payment window open
Jul 19 19896 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 19 1990patent expiry (for year 8)
Jan 19 19922 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 8)
Jan 19 199312 years fee payment window open
Jul 19 19936 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 19 1994patent expiry (for year 12)
Jan 19 19962 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 12)