A fixed-focal-length lens system includes first and second lens groups arranged in order from front to rear. The first lens group consists of a plurality of lenses and has a negative refracting power and the second lens group consists of a plurality of lenses and has a positive refracting power. The fixed-focal-length lens system satisfies the following conditions

0.58<|f1 /f|<0.95 (1)

0.50<|f1 /f2 |<1.0 (2)

1.6<Bf/f<2.9 (3)

1.1<f2 /f<1.45 (4)

wherein f represents the focal length of the fixed-focal-length lens system, f1 represents the focal length of the first lens group, f2 represents the focal length of the second lens group and Bf represents the back focus of the lens system.

Jun 30 1992
Jun 15 1993
May 10 1994
Jun 15 2013
1. A fixed-focal-length lens system comprising first and second lens groups arranged in order from front to rear, the first lens group consisting of a plurality of lenses and having a negative refracting power and the second lens group consisting of a plurality of lenses and having a positive refracting power, wherein the fixed-focal-length lens system satisfies the following conditions
0.58<|f1 /f|<0.95 (1)
0.50<|f1 /f2 |<1.0 (2)
1.6<Bf/f<2.9 (3)
1.1<f2 /f<1.45 (4)
wherein f represents the focal length of the fixed-focal-length lens system, f1 represents the focal length of the first lens group, f2 represents the focal length of the second lens group and Bf represents the back focus of the lens system.
2. A fixed-focal-length lens system a defined in claim 1 in which said first lens group consists of lenses L1 to L3 and the second lens group consists of lenses L4 to L7, the lens L1 being a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L3 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L4 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L5 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L6 being a double-convex lens whose faces have curvatures substantially equal to each other and the lens L7 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, and the following conditions are satisfied
radius of axial surface
refracting Abbe's
curvature R
separation d
index N number νd
R1 = 71.820
d1 = 2.35 N1 = 1.73692
ν1 = 51.2
R2 = 26.320
d2 = 6.50
R3 = -32.581
d3 = 2.00 N2 = 1.77620
ν2 = 49.6
R4 = 63.302
d4 = 14.00 N3 = 1.55156
ν3 = 45.4
R5 = -35.147
d5 = 20.35
R6 = 58.561
d6 = 15.00 N4 = 1.51978
ν4 = 52.2
R7 = -147.97
d7 = 40.50
R8 = -60.595
d8 = 1.50 N5 = 1.78927
ν5 = 43.7
R9 = 48.318
d9 = 6.00 N6 = 1.49845
ν6 = 81.6
R10 = -48.318
d10 = 1.00
R11 = 75.199
d11 = 5.00 N7 = 1.48915
ν7 = 70.2
R12 = -65.348
where the focal length of the first lens group is--43.77 mm, the focal length of the second lens group is 74.48 mm and where the radii of curvature of the refracting surfaces, the axial surface separations, the refractive indexes for the sodium d-line and the Abbe's numbers of the lenses L1 to L7 are designated in order from front to rear at R1 to R12, d1 to d11, N1 to N7 and ν1 to ν7.
3. A fixed-focal-length lens system as defined in claim 1 in which said first lens group consists of lenses L1 to L3 and the second lens group consists of lenses L4 to L7, the lens L1 being a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L3 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L4 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L5 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L6 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear and the lens L7 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, and the following conditions are satisfied
radius of axial surface
refracting Abbe's
curvature R
separation d
index N number νd
R1 = 55.121
d1 = 6.736 N1 = 1.73341
ν1 = 54.4
R2 = 26.064
d2 = 6.20
R3 = -34.287
d3 = 3.11 N2 = 1.77250
ν2 = 49.5
R4 = 52.999
d4 = 13.56 N3 = 1.54895
ν3 = 44.8
R5 = -37.440
d5 = 21.05
R6 = 77.306
d6 = 15.50 N4 = 1.51931
ν4 = 68.7
R7 = -86.491
d7 = 40.50
R8 = -180.01
d8 = 1.20 N5 = 1.78426
ν5 = 30.3
R9 = 97.870
d9 = 1.40
R10 = 555.69
d10 = 3.50 N6 = 1.49700
ν6 = 81.6
R11 = -54.202
d11 = 0.50
R12 = 75.911
d12 = 3.79 N7 = 1.48749
ν7 = 70.2
R13 = -235.95
where the focal length of the first lens group is--50.16 mm, the focal length of the second lens group is 69.84 mm and where the radii of curvature of the refracting surfaces, the axial surface separations, the refractive indexes for the sodium d-line and the Abbe's numbers of the lenses L1 to L7 are designated in order from front to rear at R1 to R13, d1 to d12, N1 to N7 and ν1 to ν7.
4. A fixed-focal-length lens system as defined in claim 1 in which said first lens group consists of lenses L1 to L3 and the second lens group consists of lenses L4 to L7, the lens L1 being a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L3 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L4 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L5 being a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L6 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear and the lens L7 being a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, and the following conditions are satisfied
radius of axial surface
refracting Abbe's
curvature R
separation d
index N number νd
R1 = 80.654
d1 = 1.85 N1 = 1.73477
ν1 = 54.4
R2 = 25.776
d2 = 6.65
R3 = -55.910
d3 = 3.78 N2 = 1.77331
ν2 = 51.8
R4 = 48.212
d4 = 1.00
R5 = 52.056
d5 = 11.75 N3 = 1.54820
ν3 = 42.8
R6 = -56.919
d6 = 21.72
R7 = 131.23
d7 = 10.59 N4 = 1.61374
ν4 = 51.7
R8 = -84.526
d8 = 42.02
R9 = -66.228
d9 = 1.40 N5 = 1.78566
ν5 = 40.4
R10 = 70.870
d10 = 3.50 N6 = 1.49700
ν6 = 81.6
R11 = -46.321
d11 = 0.50
R12 = 133.13
3.00 N7 = 1.48749
ν7 = 70.2
R13 = -60.082
where the focal length of the first lens group is--39.26 mm, the focal length of the second lens group is 69.80 mm and where the radii of curvature of the refracting surfaces, the axial surface separations, the refractive indexes for the sodium d-line and the Abbe's numbers of the lenses L1 to L7 are designated in order from front to rear at R1 to R13, d1 to d11, N1 to N7 and ν1 to ν7.

1. Field of the Invention

This invention relates to a fixed-focal-length lens system which is suitable for use as a projector lens in an enlarger or the like.

2. Description of the Prior Art

In a photographic enlarger for printing images borne by a negative film on a photographic paper, there has been used an orthometer type fixed-focal-length lens system due to easiness in correction of aberrations such as distortion.

However the known orthometer type fixed-focal-length lens system is disadvantageous in that the back focus (the distance between the negative film and the lens surface nearest to the negative film) is short and a mirror which is positioned between the lens system and the negative film to lead light transmitted through the negative film to a light measuring circuit for color correction makes it difficult for the operator to view the negative film when printing images borne by the negative film on a photographic paper.

Though, in a retro-focus type fixed-focal-length lens system, the back focus can be relatively long as compared with its focal length as disclosed, for instance, in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication Nos. 64(1989)-61714 and 61(1986)-188512, the retro-focus type fixed-focal-length lens system is short in its focal length itself (10 mm or so) and accordingly its back focus cannot be sufficiently long. Further the retro-focus type fixed-focal-length lens system is disadvantageous in that it is difficult to correct aberrations when used at high magnifications due to an asymmetric arrangement with respect to the stop.

In view of the foregoing observations and description, the primary object of the present invention is to provide a fixed-focal-length lens system which has a high magnification and a long back focus as well as excellent aberration properties.

The fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the present invention comprises first and second lens groups arranged in this order from front to rear, the first lens group consisting of a plurality of lenses and having a negative refracting power and the second lens group consisting of a plurality of lenses and having a positive refracting power, and satisfies the following conditions

0.58<|f1 /f|<0.95 (1)

0.50<|f1 /f2 |<1.0 (2)

1.6<Bf/f<2.9 (3)

1.1<f2 /f<1.45 (4)

wherein f represents the focal length of the fixed-focal-length lens system, f1 represents the focal length of the first lens group, f2 represents the focal length of the second lens group and Bf represents the back focus (the distance between the negative film and the lens surface nearest to the negative film) of the lens system.

The meaning of the above conditions will hereinbelow be described in detail.

Conditions (1) and (2) are for minimizing aberrations and elongating the back focus. That is, if |f1 /f| falls below 0.58 or |f1 /f2 | falls below 0.50, aberrations become so large that the number of the lens elements must be increased to correct the aberrations, which is undesirable in view of simplifying the structure of the lens system. If |f1 /f| exceeds 0.95 or |f1 /f2 | exceeds 1.0, the back focus of the fixed-focal-length lens system cannot be sufficiently long.

Condition (3) is for limiting the negative refracting power of the front lens group (the first lens group) as well as ensuring a long back focus. That is, if Bf/f falls below the lower limit, the back focus of the fixed-focal-length lens system cannot be sufficiently long. If it exceeds the upper limit, the negative refracting power of the front lens group becomes so strong that correction of aberrations becomes difficult.

Condition (4) is for limiting the positive refracting power of the rear lens group (the second lens group) as well as ensuring a long back focus. That is, if f2 /f falls below the lower limit, the positive refracting power of the rear lens group becomes so strong that correction of aberrations becomes difficult. If it exceeds the upper limit, the back focus of the fixed-focal-length lens system cannot be sufficiently long.

Thus, in the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the present invention which satisfies the above conditions (1) to (4), the back focus can be sufficiently long without deteriorating the image forming performance.

Further the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the present invention consists of only two lens groups and is relatively simple in structure.

FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional view showing a fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with a first embodiment of the present invention,

FIG. 2 is a schematic view showing an enlarger employing the lens system,

FIGS. 3A to 3C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the first embodiment,

FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view showing a fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with a second embodiment of the present invention,

FIGS. 5A to 5C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment,

FIG. 6 is a cross-sectional view showing a fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with a third embodiment of the present invention, and

FIGS. 7A to 7C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment.

In FIG. 2, an enlarger has a negative mask 11 having a rectangular opening 12. A negative film F is fed passing across the opening 12. An image on the negative film F is projected on a photographic paper C through a print lens system 1 and a mirror 2. A mirror 3 is movable between a retracted position shown by the solid line in FIG. 2 and an operative position shown by the broken line. When the image on the negative film F is to be projected onto the photographic paper C, the movable mirror 3 is held in the retracted position, and when the movable mirror 3 is positioned in the operative position, light transmitted through the negative film F is led to a light measuring system 5 and is focused on a photodetector 8 through a lens 6. A part of the light transmitted through the lens 6 is deflected by a split prism 7 and focused on a light receiving surface of an image pickup element 9 for a monitor 10. The image signal output from the image pickup element 9 is input into the monitor 10 and is reproduced on the monitor 10 for positioning of the negative film F and the like.

The fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the present invention is especially suitable as the print lens system 1, though it can be applied to various other optical instruments.

Now fixed-focal-length lens systems in accordance with first to third embodiments of the present invention will be described, hereinbelow.

In the description hereinbelow and in the drawings, the radii of curvature of the refracting surfaces, the axial surface separations (the axial air separations or thicknesses of lenses), the refractive indices for the sodium d-line and the Abbe's numbers of the lenses are respectively designated at R, d, N and ν which are numbered respectively by subscripts in order from front to rear. In this specification, the end of the lens system facing the image forming plane (the photographic paper C) will be referred to as "front", and the end of the lens system facing the negative film F will be referred to as "rear".

As shown in FIG. 1, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the first embodiment of the present invention comprises a first lens group I and a second lens group II arranged in this order from front to rear and satisfies the aforesaid conditions (1) to (4). The first lens group I consists of three lenses L1 to L3 arranged in this order from front to rear and has a negative refracting power. The second lens group II consists of four lenses L4 to L7 and has a positive refracting power.

The lens L1 is a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L3 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L4 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L5 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L6 is a double-convex lens whose faces have curvatures substantially equal to each other and the lens L7 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear.

The magnification M, the focal length f(mm), the effective back focus Bf(mm), F-number FNO and the angle of view 2ω of the fixed-focal-length lens system are as shown in table 1.

magnification M -1/7.78
focal length f 58.82
back focus Bf 126.7
F-number FNO 6.5
angle of view 2ω

The radii of curvature R(mm) of the respective lens surfaces, the axial surface separations d (mm) (the central thicknesses of the lenses or the air separations), the refractive indexes N for the sodium d-line of the lenses and the Abbe's numbers νd of the lenses of the fixed-focal-length lens system of the first embodiment are as shown in table 2. In table 2, the numbers in the leftmost column represent the subscripts given to the symbols R, d and L in FIG. 1.

radius of axial surface
No. curvature R separation d
index N number νd
1 71.820 2.35 1.73692 51.2
2 26.320 6.50
3 -32.581 2.00 1.77620 49.6
4 63.302 14.00 1.55156 45.4
5 -35.147 20.35
6 58.561 15.00 1.51978 52.2
7 -147.97 40.50
8 -60.595 1.50 1.78927 43.7
9 48.318 6.00 1.49845 81.6
10 -48.318 1.00
11 75.199 5.00 1.48915 70.2
12 -65.348
focal length f1 of the first lens group = -43.77 mm
focal length f2 of the second lens group = 74.48 mm

FIGS. 3A to 3C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the first embodiment.

As can be understood from FIGS. 3A to 3C, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the first embodiment has excellent optical performances. Further as can be understood from table 1, in the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the first embodiment, the back focus which is the distance between the negative film and the lens face nearest to the negative film can be as long as not shorter than 120 mm, which is substantially long as compared with the conventional fixed-focal-length lens system.

The fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG. 4. As shown in FIG. 4, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment of the present invention comprises a first lens group I and a second lens group II arranged in this order from front to rear and satisfies the aforesaid conditions (1) to (4). The first lens group I consists of three lenses L1 to L3 arranged in this order from front to rear and has a negative refracting power. The second lens group II consists of four lenses L4 to L7 and has a positive refracting power.

The lens L1 is a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L3 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L4 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L5 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L6 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear and the lens L7 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front.

The magnification M, the focal length f(mm), the effective back focus Bf(mm), F-number FNO and the angle of view 2ω of the fixed-focal-length lens system are as shown in table 3.

magnification M -1/7.78
focal length f 60.87
back focus Bf 109.66
F-number FNO 6.5
angle of view 2ω

The radii of curvature R (mm) of the respective lens surfaces, the axial surface separations d (mm) (the central thicknesses of the lenses or the air separations), the refractive indexes N for the sodium d-line of the lenses and the Abbe's numbers νd of the lenses of the fixed-focal-length lens system of the second embodiment are as shown in table 4. In table 4, the numbers in the leftmost column represent the subscripts given to the symbols R, d and L in FIG. 4.

radius of axial surface
No. curvature R separation d
index N number νd
1 55.121 6.736 1.73341 54.4
2 26.064 6.20
3 -34.287 3.11 1.77250 49.5
4 52.999 13.56 1.54895 44.8
5 -37.440 21.05
6 77.306 15.50 1.51931 68.7
7 -86.491 40.50
8 -180.01 1.20 1.78426 30.3
9 97.870 1.40
10 555.69 3.50 1.49700 81.6
11 -54.202 0.50
12 75.911 3.79 1.48749 70.2
13 -235.95
focal length f1 of the first lens group = -50.16 mm
focal length f2 of the second lens group = 69.84 mm

FIGS. 5A to 5C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment.

As can be understood from FIGS. 5A to 5C, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment has excellent optical performances. Further as can be understood from table 3, in the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the second embodiment, the back focus which is the distance between the negative film and the lens face nearest to the negative film can be as long as not shorter than 100 mm, which is substantially long as compared with the conventional fixed-focal-length lens system.

The fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment of the present invention is shown in FIG. 6. As shown in FIG. 6, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment of the present invention comprises a first lens group I and a second lens group II arranged in this order from front to rear and satisfies the aforesaid conditions (1) to (4). The first lens group I consists of three lenses L1 to L3 arranged in this order from front to rear and has a negative refracting power. The second lens group II consists of four lenses L4 to L7 and has a positive refracting power.

The lens L1 is a negative meniscus lens convex to front, the lens L2 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L3 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L4 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear, the lens L5 is a double-concave lens having the face of greater curvature faced to front, the lens L6 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear and the lens L7 is a double-convex lens having the face of greater curvature faced to rear.

The magnification M, the focal length f(mm), the effective back focus Bf(mm), F-number FNO and the angle of view 2ω of the fixed-focal-length lens system are as shown in table 5.

magnification M -1/7.78
focal length f 58.59
back focus Bf 134.46
F-number FNO 6.5
angle of view 2ω

The radii of curvature R(mm) of the respective lens surfaces, the axial surface separations d (mm) (the central thicknesses of the lenses or the air separations), the refractive indexes N for the sodium d-line of the lenses and the Abbe's numbers νd of the lenses of the fixed-focal-length lens system of the third embodiment are as shown in table 6. In table 6, the numbers in the leftmost column represent the subscripts given to the symbols R, d and L in FIG. 6.

radius of axial surface
No. curvature R separation d
index N number νd
1 80.654 1.85 1.73447 54.4
2 25.776 6.65
3 -55.910 3.78 1.77331 51.8
4 48.812 1.00
5 52.056 11.75 1.54820 42.8
6 -56.919 21.72
7 131.23 10.59 1.61374 51.7
8 -84.526 42.02
9 -66.228 1.40 1.78566 40.4
10 70.870 3.50 1.49700 81.6
11 -46.321 0.50
12 133.13 3.00 1.48749 70.2
13 -60.082
focal length f1 of the first lens group = -39.26 mm
focal length f2 of the second lens group = 69.80 mm

FIGS. 7A to 7C respectively show spherical aberration, astigmatism and distortion of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment.

As can be understood from FIGS. 7A to 7C, the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment has excellent optical performances. Further as can be understood from table 5, in the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the third embodiment, the back focus which is the distance between the negative film and the lens face nearest to the negative film can be as long as not shorter than 130 mm, which is substantially long as compared with the conventional fixed-focal-length lens system.

The arrangement of the fixed-focal-length lens system in accordance with the present invention need not be limited to those described above in conjunction with the first to third embodiments, but the number of the lens elements of each lens group, the radius of curvature of each lens element and the like may be variously modified so long as the aforesaid conditions (1) to (4) are satisfied.

Further, though the fixed-focal-length lens system of the present invention is especially useful for an enlarger, it can be applied to various other optical instruments.

Mori, Masao, Ono, Kuniaki

Patent Priority Assignee Title
5666228, Sep 28 1995 Fujinon Corporation Retrofocus type lens
7633688, Jun 01 2005 OM DIGITAL SOLUTIONS CORPORATION Image forming optical system
Patent Priority Assignee Title
5233474, Feb 15 1991 Asahi Kogaku Kogyo K.K. Wide-angle lens system
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Jun 15 1993Fuji Photo Optical Co., Ltd.(assignment on the face of the patent)
Date Maintenance Fee Events
Nov 10 1997M183: Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity.
Jan 28 1999ASPN: Payor Number Assigned.
Oct 18 2001M184: Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity.
Nov 23 2005REM: Maintenance Fee Reminder Mailed.
May 10 2006EXP: Patent Expired for Failure to Pay Maintenance Fees.

Date Maintenance Schedule
May 10 19974 years fee payment window open
Nov 10 19976 months grace period start (w surcharge)
May 10 1998patent expiry (for year 4)
May 10 20002 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 4)
May 10 20018 years fee payment window open
Nov 10 20016 months grace period start (w surcharge)
May 10 2002patent expiry (for year 8)
May 10 20042 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 8)
May 10 200512 years fee payment window open
Nov 10 20056 months grace period start (w surcharge)
May 10 2006patent expiry (for year 12)
May 10 20082 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 12)