Text with patent numbers: |
Title: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Expiry from: | to: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Priority from:sa | to: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Entity: | Type: | Expired: | Maint.status: | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Score from: | % to: % | Current assig. owns from to patents |
patent | score | priority | expiry | expired | references | current assignee | title |
7371403 | 1 | 2002-06-14 | 2024-01-07 | 1 | 1031 | PROVIDENCE HEALTH SYSTEM-OREGON D B A PROVIDE…; | Wound dressing and method for controlling severe, life-threatening bleeding |
6313254 | 4 | 1996-09-23 | 2017-09-19 | 1 | 75 | Aortech International plc; | Polysiloxane-containing polyurethane elastomeric compositions |
8449520 | 4 | 2007-03-19 | 2030-05-25 | 1 | 49 | HEMCON LIFE SCIENCES, INC ; | Apparatus and methods for making, storing, and administering freeze-dried materials such as freeze-dried plasma |
8951565 | 4 | 2003-12-23 | 2023-12-23 | 1 | 37 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Hemostatic compositions, assemblies, systems, and methods employing particulate hemostatic agents formed from hydrophilic polymer foam such as chitosan |
9762553 | 5 | 2014-04-23 | 2035-04-22 | 0 | 315 | INTRALINKS, INC ; | Systems and methods of secure data exchange |
6627724 | 7 | 1996-09-23 | 2017-09-19 | 1 | 53 | Aortech International plc; | Polysiloxane-containing polyurethane elastomeric compositions |
8269058 | 7 | 2002-06-14 | 2024-04-30 | 1 | 36 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Absorbable tissue dressing assemblies, systems, and methods formed from hydrophilic polymer sponge structures such as chitosan |
9132206 | 7 | 2002-06-14 | 2022-06-14 | 1 | 24 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Hemostatic compositions, assemblies, systems, and methods employing particulate hemostatic agents formed from hydrophilic polymer foam such as chitosan |
6437073 | 8 | 1998-03-31 | 2019-03-30 | 1 | 36 | Aortech International plc; | Non-elastomeric polyurethane compositions |
7897832 | 12 | 2001-06-14 | 2025-04-28 | 1 | 22 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Compositions, assemblies, and methods applied during or after a dental procedure to ameliorate fluid loss and/or promote healing, using a hydrophilic polymer sponge structure such as chitosan |
8741335 | 12 | 2002-06-14 | 2024-01-13 | 1 | 25 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Hemostatic compositions, assemblies, systems, and methods employing particulate hemostatic agents formed from hydrophilic polymer foam such as Chitosan |
9613190 | 13 | 2014-04-23 | 2035-07-06 | 0 | 129 | INTRALINKS, INC ; | Systems and methods of secure data exchange |
7820872 | 14 | 2001-06-14 | 2022-11-14 | 1 | 28 | Providence Health System-Oregon; | Wound dressings, apparatus, and methods for controlling severe, life-threatening bleeding |
6858680 | 15 | 1999-07-20 | 2020-07-18 | 1 | 72 | Aortech Biomaterials PTY LTD; | Shape memory polyurethane or polyurethane-urea polymers |
7482503 | 15 | 2001-06-14 | 2023-10-02 | 1 | 35 | Providence Health Sys…; GREGORY, KENTON W; | Wound dressing and method for controlling severe, life-threatening bleeding |
9547011 | 16 | 2013-03-14 | 2034-03-14 | 0 | 4 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Biocompatible and bioabsorbable derivatized chitosan compositions |
7776022 | 19 | 2007-03-19 | 2028-12-21 | 1 | 31 | HEMCON LIFE SCIENCES, INC ; | Apparatus and methods for making, storing, and administering freeze-dried materials such as freeze-dried plasma |
9925310 | 28 | 2013-03-14 | 2034-03-14 | 0 | 3 | Tricol Biomedical, Inc.; | Biocompatible and bioabsorbable derivatized chitosan compositions |
9004918 | 29 | 2001-06-14 | 2023-11-05 | 1 | 7 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Compositions, assemblies, and methods applied during or after a dental procedure to ameliorate fluid loss and/or promote healing, using a hydrophilic polymer sponge structure such as chitosan |
8313474 | 30 | 2002-06-14 | 2023-05-31 | 1 | 16 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Method for preparing a compressed wound dressing |
9925210 | 35 | 2014-02-04 | 2035-02-04 | 0 | 3 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Chitosan materials from carbonic acid solution |
10709817 | 35 | 2013-03-14 | 2034-03-14 | 0 | 2 | Tricol Biomedical, Inc.; | Biocompatible and bioabsorbable derivatized chitosan compositions |
10632143 | 36 | 2014-02-04 | 2035-02-04 | 0 | 2 | Tricol Biomedical, Inc.; | Chitosan materials from carbonic acid solution |
PP28935 | 42 | 2016-09-15 | 2036-09-15 | 1 | 0 | EDWARD VINSON LTD.; | Fragaria plant named ‘SWV 25’ |
9846163 | 43 | 2013-03-14 | 2034-03-14 | 0 | 4 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Biocompatible and bioabsorbable derivatized chitosan compositions |
11229724 | 47 | 2013-03-14 | 2034-03-14 | 0 | 1 | Tricol Biomedical, Inc.; | Biocompatible and bioabsorbable derivatized chitosan compositions |
10255038 | 51 | 2013-04-26 | 2035-06-19 | 0 | 4 | Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC; | Techniques to present a user interface for the visually impaired |
5319064 | 52 | 1992-10-06 | 2012-10-06 | 1 | 2 | Akzo N.V.; Univ. of Mass. at Amherst; | Thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(ester-amides) |
8668924 | 54 | 2002-06-14 | 2023-10-22 | 1 | 4 | Providence Health Sys…; Kenton W., Gregory; | Wound dressing and method for controlling severe, life-threatening bleeding |
11234998 | 55 | 2014-02-04 | 2035-02-04 | 0 | 1 | Tricol Biomedical, Inc.; | Chitosan materials from carbonic acid solution |
10838692 | 63 | 2013-04-26 | 2033-04-26 | 0 | 2 | Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC; | Techniques to present a user interface for the visually impaired |
11564673 | 65 | 2017-12-29 | 2039-03-15 | 0 | 1 | ECHOBIO LLC; | Delivery systems for control of gastrointestinal bleeding |
8257828 | 67 | 2009-07-28 | 2030-07-27 | 0 | 3 | Corning Incorporated; | Synthetic microcarriers for culturing cells |
12156791 | 73 | 2017-12-29 | 2041-09-12 | 0 | 0 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Chitosan dressing for control of bleeding in transurethral prostatectomy |
11368854 | 76 | 2019-01-17 | 2039-12-12 | 0 | 0 | Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ); | Method and apparatus for monitoring SAS CPAS performance in CBRS systems |
8404485 | 77 | 2009-07-28 | 2030-07-27 | 1 | 1 | Corning Incorporated; | Synthetic microcarriers for culturing cells |
10047304 | 77 | 2014-12-12 | 2036-07-03 | 1 | 1 | ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company; | Aromatic hydrogenation catalysts and uses thereof |
6558899 | 80 | 1997-12-11 | 2018-12-11 | 1 | 0 | President and Fellows of Harvard College; | Method for identifying new anti-picornaviral compounds |
11160901 | 80 | 2015-04-10 | 2036-04-11 | 0 | 1 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Bioadhesive chitosan gel for controlling bleeding and for promoting healing with scar reduction without obscuring or interfering with access to a surgical field |
10986507 | 81 | 2019-01-17 | 2039-12-12 | 0 | 0 | Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson (publ); | Method and apparatus for monitoring SAS CPAS performance in CBRS systems |
11660236 | 81 | 2017-12-29 | 2039-11-08 | 0 | 1 | TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC ; | Delivery systems for control of bleeding in transurethral prostatectomy |
10579381 | 85 | 2016-11-23 | 2038-03-03 | 0 | 0 | Imagination Technologies Limited; | Encoding and decoding variable length instructions |
11868775 | 87 | 2016-11-23 | 2037-11-24 | 0 | 0 | Imagination Technologies Limited; | Encoding and decoding variable length instructions |
11347509 | 91 | 2016-11-23 | 2037-11-24 | 0 | 0 | Imagination Technologies Limited; | Encoding and decoding variable length instructions |
11890384 | 91 | 2016-02-12 | 2037-02-13 | 0 | 0 | Tricol Biomedical, In…; TRICOL BIOMEDICAL, INC; | Chitosan superfine fiber systems |
10661262 | 93 | 2014-12-12 | 2035-12-27 | 1 | 0 | ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company; | Aromatic hydrogenation catalysts and uses thereof |
11819259 | 93 | 2018-02-07 | 2040-07-17 | 0 | 0 | Cynosure, LLC; | Methods and apparatus for controlled RF treatments and RF generator system |
12114722 | 94 | 2022-10-24 | 2042-12-30 | 0 | 0 | Hat headliner having temperature control members | |
9942685 | 99 | 2013-06-28 | 2033-08-20 | 0 | 0 | Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC; | Navigation with three dimensional audio effects |
11900299 | 99 | 2020-06-28 | 2040-10-13 | 0 | 0 | ATLASSIAN US, INC; | System and method of tracking interactions with a networked collaboration platform |