The ornamental design for a the Florida 2000 president election game.
The designers wish to educate players of the importance of the voting process and what transpires when certain elements of this process go off course. This game will enlighten individuals about what happen in Florida during the 2000 Presidential election. Its intended use is to entertain and inform simultaneously. Players will be more incline to remember certain elements of the voting event that made history by playing this game.
FIG. 1 Board game-consisting of a pie chart with arrow and colored sections named: George Bush Winner, US Supreme Court, Jeb Bush Excused, Dade County, Al Gore Loser, Florida Supreme Court, Kathleen Harris, Broward County, Volusia County, Palm Beach Ballot.
36 game cards, designed with the name "The Florida 2000 President Election Game" on one side and the name of one of the headings mentioned above with text on that particular heading, and the number of points to be earned, on the other side of the card. Instructions sheet that explains how game is played.