The ornamental design for a swingcontrolplatform, as shown and described below.
A golf training and instructional device that provides instruction assistance towards golf swing improvement for both the novice and experienced golfers. The beginning golfer is provided visual assistance for feet position in distance from the ball as well as stance width corresponding to the various types of golf clubs, ball position corresponding to the various types of golf clubs, body positions at full back swing, swing control for varying ball flight trajectory, and target alignment. The experienced golfer has a feature to develop swing control incorporating both feet position and swing patterns for fading and drawing the golf ball. There are a number of training aids and instructional placards to support individualized training needs. The platform is placed directly on the ground and allows the golfer to stand and strike the ball on natural turf.
The sole FIGURE is a plan view of the swing control platform.
The undisclosed bottom and sides are flat, unornamented and of material thickness.