The ornamental design for an anchoringdevice for securingboats to shore, as shown.
A visually appealing anchoring device that provides an effective means of securing a boat to a shoreline. Also could be used as an anchor for a tent when camping near the shore of a body of water. The device consists of a “T”-shaped assembly measuring approximately 24 inches long made of hardened steel. The unit would consist of a cross member providing the gripping area used to turn the anchor into the ground or sand. The bottom end of the unit would include a spike or point that allows for quick and easy insertion into the ground. Above the spike would be a split, spiral-shaped plate providing stability in the ground after insertion. The device would provide boaters with a convenient way to anchor their boats to shorelines when no docks are available. The device is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts as it can also be used to anchor tents. The unit has a small and compact design allowing for easy transport and storage.
FIG. 1 is a front view of my design showing the gripping area, the body, the spike, and spiral-shaped plate;