The ornamental design for a motorcyclehandgripgaragedooropener assembly, as shown and described.
FIG. 1 is a rear view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly showing my new design installed on a motorcycle handlebar. The rear view is shown from the perspective of the motorcycle operator. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 2 is a top view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly installed on a motorcycle handlebar. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 3 is a bottom view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly installed on a motorcycle handlebar. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 4 is a front view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly installed on a motorcycle handlebar. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 5 is a side view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly installed on a motorcycle handlebar. The opposite side is a mirror image and therefore is not shown. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.
FIG. 6 is an enlarged perspective view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly. In this view the parts of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly are shown assembled. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design; and,
FIG. 7 is an enlarged perspective view of the motorcycle handgrip garage door opener assembly shown in exploded condition, to show the association of the push button transmitter that fastens into the end of the left hand grip. The broken line showing of the motorcycle handlebar environment and power supply wire is for illustrative purposes only and forms no part of the claimed design.