The ornamental design for a combinedcontainer and base, as shown and described.
1. Combined container and base
1.1 : Front
1.2 : Right
1.3 : Top
1.4 : Bottom
1.5 : Perspective
1.6 : Exploded
1.7 : Exploded
1.8 : Cross-sectional
The base part can be removed from the body; the rear view is the same as the front view and is omitted; the left side view is the same as the right side view and is omitted; FIG. 1.6 is a perspective view of the body; FIG. 1.7 is a perspective view of the base; shades represented on the entire surface of the article in each drawing are for specifying the shape of the solid surface; FIG. 1.8 is a sectional view of FIG. 1.1 vertically sectioned at the center.