The ornamental design for a cosmeticapplicator, as shown and described.
1. Cosmetic applicator
1.1 : Perspective
1.2 : Front
1.3 : Back
1.4 : Top
1.5 : Bottom
1.6 : Left
1.7 : Right
1.8 : Front view of main body
1.9 : Back view of main body
1.10 : Top view of main body
1.11 : Bottom view of main body
1.12 : Left view of main body
1.13 : Perspective view of main body
1.14 : Enlarged partial sectional view
1.15 : Perspective view of cap
Design: the article is a container for a rod-shaped cosmetic; the article holds the cosmetic in a manner such that the cosmetic may be projected and contained; the parts shown in dotted lines do not form part of the claimed design; the broken lines having alternating long and short segments define bounds of the claimed design and form no part thereof; reproduction 1.14 is a sectional view sectioned horizontally at the center of reproduction 1.8 and partially enlarged at the left part of reproduction 1.8.