A new and distinct cultivar of Miscanthus named ‘MBS 0006’ generally characterized by its rigorous growth rate, high biomass yield and high tiller density, and/or improved cold tolerance.

May 02 2008
Feb 22 2012
Jan 08 2013
May 01 2029
1. A new and distinct cultivar of Miscanthus plant named ‘MBS 0006’ substantially as herein shown and described.

Latin name of genus: Miscanthus.

Varietal denomination: ‘MBS 0006’, a.k.a. ‘99m0029’, ‘99m0006’ or ‘Flamingo Rest’.

The present disclosure relates to a new and distinct cultivar of hybrid Miscanthus originated as a polycross of Miscanthus sinensis with other Miscanthus species and will be referred to hereafter by its cultivar name ‘MBS 0006’. ‘MBS 0006’ represents a new cultivar of Miscanthus species, a perennial grass which is grown for biomass production, landscape use, ornamental value, and cold tolerance.

Seeds of an open-pollinated Miscanthus sinensis plant in a natural Miscanthus habitat at Shirakawa-Gun, Honshu, Japan were planted and screened in a cultivated selection field at Klein-Wanzleben, Germany. The selection field was utilized for seed increase of superior genotypes derived from the original plant selection. Additional recurrent selection in the newly derived, finite population was utilized to derive additional selection pressure for line improvement.

Miscanthus sinensis is self incompatible. Presumably, the Miscanthus sinensis plant in the natural habitat in Japan became pollinated by other Miscanthus plants, hence it could be regarded as a polycross of M. sinensis plants. Therefore, its continued lineage/pedigree was derived from seed collected on this plant selection. The open pollinated seed from the population plant selection was a bulk collection of half-sib lines (genotypes) from that mother plant, and were planted for advanced recurrent selection in an organized Miscanthus sinensis breeding nursery at Klein Wanzleben, Germany. The isolated poly-cross population (‘114SW’) at Klein Wanzleben produced seed on various high performing biomass types. Seed collected from this population was named ‘95s0043’ and was again planted at Klein Wanzlchlen for recurrent selection and advancement of improved biomass clonal lines. From this population an individual plant was selected for vigorous growth, high biomass and cold tolerance potential. The accession was named ‘99m0029’, a.k.a. ‘MBS 0006’, ‘99m0006’, or ‘Flamingo Rest’.

The plant was asexually reproduced from sterile rhizome buds in Klein-Wanzleben, Germany by the inventor. The shoot material was propagated on rooting media and the rooted plantlets were planted into pots in the greenhouse. The plants were planted into the field after one cold period. The characteristics of this cultivar have been determined to be stable and are reproduced true to type in successive generations. ‘MBS 0006’ was transferred to US via APHIS quarantine inspection regulations and was established for performance trials in the US. ‘MBS 0006’ performance trials include biomass yield and trait characteristic observations. ‘MBS 0006’ has been evaluated in mutli-entry, replicated performance trials. These trials ranged across three diverse US locations targeted as US biomass growing regions of the country.

The new cultivar ‘MBS 0006’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions. The phenotype may vary somewhat with variations in temperature, day-length, light intensity, soil types, and water and fertility levels without, however, any significant variance in genotype.

The following traits have been repeatedly observed and are determined the basic characteristics of ‘MBS 0006’, which in combination distinguish this Miscanthus sinensis hybrid from the known Miscanthus×giganteus and other ornamental M. sinensis forms. Plants for the botanical measurements in the present application are two and three-year-old plants. These plants would be considered as mature plants.

‘MBS 0006’ can be distinguished from the Miscanthus cultivars Strictus (not patented), Super Stripe (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 18,161), Gold Bar (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 15,193), Little Zebra (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,008) and Mysterious Maiden (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 16,197) in that ‘MBS 0006’ has no stripes or colored bands on its leaves.

In side by side comparisons conducted in Klein-Wanzleben, Germany, ‘MBS 0006’ is more vigorous than other ornamental M. sinensis. ‘MBS 0006’ has taller culms but demonstrates less lodging; hence it has stronger culms. ‘MBS 0006’ culms are also very straight and medium upright in appearance when compared to other sinensis genotypes. It shows excellent winter survival at all northern and southern locations tested.

The plant flowers and produces fertile seeds. ‘MBS 0006’ develops inflorescences and viable seeds under optimal growing conditions. However, ‘MBS 0006’ is 98% self incompatible. Therefore, it requires cross pollination with different Miscanthus genotypes to produce viable seeds. The plant can be propagated by rhizomes or from meristem in tissue culture or adventitious root and shoot development under ideal vegetative propagation environments.

The accompanying color photographs illustrate the overall appearance and distinct characteristics of the new Miscanthus cultivar ‘MBS 0006’.

The photograph in FIGS. 1 and 2 illustrate the overall growth habit and appearance of ‘MBS 0006’ at winter dormancy and in the summer, respectively, in Tifton, USA.

FIG. 3 illustrates midseason green color, glabrous leaf texture and the white mid-rib characteristic to ‘MBS 0006’.

FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate culm/cane thickness of midseason and dormant ‘MBS 0006’. The culm width of ‘MBS 0006’ is a unique characteristic among the comparison group in that it is significantly thicker in this yield trial measurement (Tables 1-4).

FIGS. 6, 7, and 8 illustrate mid-season plant and panicle development at Tifton, Ga. in July.

‘MBS 0006’ has not been observed under all possible environmental conditions, and the phenotype may vary significantly with variations in environment. It has been observed under several environmental conditions, including mid, central and southern regions of the US and Klein Wanzleben, Germany. The following observations, measurements, and comparison describe this plant as grown at Klein-Wanzleben, Germany, when grown in the field. All observations were recorded during the plant's dormant season (April). The color determination is in accordance with The 1995 R.H.S. Colour Chart of The Royal Horticultural Society, London, England, except where general color terms of ordinary dictionary significance are used. Plants for the botanical measurements in the present application are two and three-year-old plants. These plants would be considered as mature plants.

Additional and most relevant performance data included in this application includes observations, measurements and comparisons describing this plant that were recorded in fields grown at Tilton, Ga., Schocho, Ky., and Lafayette, Ind. Reported data exemplifies this genotype's ability to perform as a high biomass producing perennial crop for commercial markets. Therefore, beyond descriptive data, yield traits are presented and compared to commercial and pre-commercial cultivars associated with this market.

‘MBS 0006’ has a small elliptical seed, which is a heavy anemochore with an average seed weight of about 0.92 mg, a chamaephyte (buds permanently above ground) life form, with an annual seed production of 0-2400 seeds per plant depending upon pollen source availability. Healthy seed is clear amber to dark brown (RHS code 166B).

The average yield of ‘MBS 0006’ compared to appropriate commercial and pre-commercial check cultivars are summarized in Tables 1 through 4.

Variety comparisons were selected for this patent application based on commercial and pre-commercial genotypes with similar and competitive yields levels and uniqueness to sister lines of similar family. Comparison to M. sinensis cultivars that are commercially available are only used in reference to morphological phenotype because available cultivars are not biomass types of varieties.

Although ‘MBS 0006’ was not the highest biomass yielder across or within locations it was always in the top 10% of the full trial analysis. In the truncated analysis which included entries of relevance for biomass comparisons ‘MBS 0006’ was competitive with the best pre-commercial MBI cultivars, and out-performed all of the most competitive sinensis lines. A key biomass trait is culm thickness and ‘MBS 0006’ has a significantly thicker culm than the other entries in the test. This trait is important in that it can bring value to biomass yield parameters in Miscanthus as well as to its utility in breeding programs.

For Tables 1 to 4, all traits presented were measured at and harvest during winter dormancy growth stage. Definitions for the terms and abbreviations are:

Combined location yield summary for ‘MBS 0006’
(‘99m0006’) performance on two-year established ,
Miscanthus field plots located at Tifton,
GA, Schocho, KY and Lafayette, IN.
APHIS Miscanthus spp. Diversity Trial: 2nd
Year, Mean Yield Data, 3 Locations Combined.
3 Locations
analysis: TIF,
March harvest
3 Locs Biomass
En- Material Com- Yield dt/ac
try Name Species bined Rk Tifton Rk
11 MBX-006 M.sa// 6.4 1 7.5 1
1 Nagara M.xg: 5.1 2 4.8 2
9 MBX-004 M.sa// 4.9 3 3.2 8
8 Lake Erie M.sa// 4.8 6 4.5 4
5 99m0006 M.si 4.5 4 4.6 3
10 MBX-005 M.sa// 4.0 5 4.3 6
2 Illinois M.xg: 3.5 7 1.5 #
4 99m0005 M.si 3.3 8 3.3 7
7 99m0044 M.si 2.5 9 4.3 5
3 99m0003 M.si 2.3 10 0.5 #
6 99m0029 M.si 1.8 11 1.7 9
Mean 3.9 3.2
LSD(.05) 1.8 1.9
CVErr 24.5 27.8
CVExL 15.6 na
3 Locations Combined
analysis: TIF, LAF, SCKY -
February-March harvest
Yield Traits
Biomass Yield dt/ac Culm
En- Material Lafa- Scho- PH Dia
try Name yette Rk choh Rk (cm) (mm)
11 MBX-006 4.0 5 7.8 1 263 7.0
1 Nagara 4.6 2 5.8 3 257 5.6
9 MBX-004 5.6 1 5.9 2 258 5.5
8 Lake Erie 4.6 3 5.4 5 208 6.3
5 99m0006 4.1 4 4.7 6 265 8.5
10 MBX-005 3.3 7 4.4 7 236 7.2
2 Illinois 3.5 6 5.4 4 229 5.9
4 99m0005 3.2 8 3.4 9 236 7.5
7 99m0044 1.4 10 1.9 # 216 6.2
3 99m0003 3.1 9 3.3 # 209 7.5
6 99m0029 0.0 11 3.8 8 265 5.6
Mean 3.7 2.5 237.7 6.6
LSD(.05) 2.4 1.8 12.4 1.3
CVErr 37.5 37.0 5.5 12.1
CVExL na na 5.2 20.0
3 Locations Combined
analysis: TIF, LAF, SCKY -
February-March harvest
Ratings 1-5
Culm Bio- Leaf
En- Material Den- mass Reten-
try Name sity Rating tion Lodge
11 MBX-006 4 4.4 4 0
1 Nagara 4 4.2 4 1
9 MBX-004 4 3.8 4 0
8 Lake Erie 4 3.8 5 0
5 99m0006 3 4.3 4 1
10 MBX-005 4 3.9 4 0
2 Illinois 4 3.6 4 0
4 99m0005 3 3.4 4 0
7 99m0044 2 2.8 3 1
3 99m0003 2 2.7 4 0
6 99m0029 3 3.1 4 1
Mean 3.0 3.7 4.0 0.0
LSD(.05) 0.5 0.6 1.0 0.0
CVErr 12.0 12.7 7.8
CVExL 12.2 17.1 13.2

Yield summary for ‘MBS 0006’ (‘99m0006’) performance on
two-year established Miscanthus field plots, located at Tifton, GA,
growing season.
API-US Miscanthus spp. Diversity Trial:
2nd Year Mean Yield Data at Tifton, GA.
Tifton, GA: February 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
Material dt/acre PH Dia
Entry Name Species Tifton Rk (cm) (mm)
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 7.5 1 228 6.2
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X 4.8 2 204 3.6
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 4.6 3 220 6.8
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 4.5 4 181 4.5
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 4.3 5 192 4.6
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 4.3 6 219 6.6
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.3 7 207 6.4
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 3.2 8 211 4.8
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 1.7 9 193 5.3
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X 1.5 10 196 4.2
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 0.5 11 157 5.1
Mean 3.7 201.0 5.3
LSD(.05) 3.2 35.1 2.0
CVErr 51.8 10.3 22.6
Tifton, GA: February 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
Ratings 1-5
Material Culm Biomass Leaf
Entry Name Species Density Rating Retention
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 4 5.0 5
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X 3 3.5 5
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 2 4.7 4
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 4 4.0 5
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 2 3.3 4
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 5 4.0 5
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 3.3 5
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 4 3.0 5
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 2 2.7 4
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X 3 3.0 4
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 1 1.3 4
Mean 3.0 3.4 5.0
LSD(.05) 1.0 1.3 1.0
CVErr 27.4 22.3 12.5

Yield summary for ‘MBS 0006’ (‘99m0006’) performance on
two-year established Miscanthus field plots, located at Lafayette, IN,
growing season.
APHIS Miscanthus spp. Diversity Trial:
2nd Year Mean Yield Data at Lafayette, IN
Lafayette, IN: March, 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
dt/acre Culm
Material Lafay- PH Dia
Entry Name Species ette Rk (cm) (mm)
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 5.6 1 228 6.8
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X 4.6 2 236
giganteus 7.6
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 4.6 3 165 7.2
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 4.1 4 232 11.2
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 4.0 5 225 8.4
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 3.5 6 199 8.0
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 3.3 7 194 9.1
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.2 8 183 8.6
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.1 9 177 10.2
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 1.4 10 168 4.4
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 0.0 11 0 0.0
Mean 3.7 200.7 8.1
LSD(.05) 2.4 46.4 3.1
CVErr 37.5 13.6 22.3
Lafayette, IN: March, 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
Ratings 1-5
Material Culm mass Leaf
Entry Name Species Density Rating Retention
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 4 4.0 3
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 4 4.0 3
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 4 4.0 4
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 4.0 3
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 4 4.0 3
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 4 3.0 4
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 4 3.0 3
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 3.0 4
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 3.0 4
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 2 2.0 2
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 0 0.0 0
Mean 3.0 3.0 3.0
LSD(.05) 1.0 2.0 1.0
CVErr 22.0 29.5 16.3

Yield summary for ‘MBS 0006’ (‘99m0006’) performance on
two-year established Miscanthus field plots, located at Schocho, KY,
growing season.
APHIS Miscanthus spp. Diversity Trial:
2nd Year Mean Yield Data at Schochoh, KY
Schocho, KY: March, 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
Material dt/acre PH Culm Dia
Entry Name Species Schocho Rk (cm) (mm)
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 7.8 1 335 6.5
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 5.9 2 335 4.8
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 5.8 3 330 5.5
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 5.4 4 292 5.6
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 5.4 5 279 7.1
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 4.7 6 342 7.7
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 4.4 7 294 6.0
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.8 8 337 6.0
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.4 9 318 7.6
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 3.3 10 294 7.1
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 1.9 11 288 7.5
Mean 2.5 313.1 6.5
LSD(.05) 1.8 33.1 1.8
CVErr 37.0 6.3 16.3
Schocho, KY: March, 2nd Yr
Yield Traits
Ratings 1-5
Material Culm Biomass Leaf
Entry Name Species Density Rating Retention
11 MBX-006 Msa//Msi 5 4.3 5
9 MBX-004 Msa//Msi 4 4.3 5
1 Nagara Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 4 4.7 5
2 Illinois Mxg:Mis X
giganteus 4 3.5 5
8 Lake Erie Msa//Msi 5 3.7 5
5 99m0006 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 4.3 4
10 MBX-005 Msa//Msi 4 3.7 5
6 99m0029 Msi:Mis sinensis 4 3.6 4
4 99m0005 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 4.0 4
3 99m0003 Msi:Mis sinensis 3 4.0 4
7 99m0044 Msi:Mis sinensis 2 3.0 2
Mean 4.0 3.9 4.0
LSD(.05) 1.0 1.4 1.0
CVErr 14.7 21.9 13.1

Deuter, Martin

Patent Priority Assignee Title
Patent Priority Assignee Title
PP13008, Mar 19 2001 Hortech Miscanthus sinensis plant named `Little Zebra`
PP15193, Jan 05 2004 Miscanthus plant named `Gold Bar`
PP16197, Oct 25 2004 Miscanthus plant named ‘Mysterious Maiden’
PP18161, Jun 15 2006 Miscanthus plant named ‘Super Stripe’
PP22033, May 02 2008 Repreve Renewables, LLC Miscanthus plant named ‘MBS 7001’
PP22047, May 02 2008 Repreve Renewables, LLC Miscanthus plant named ‘MBS 7002’
PP22127, May 02 2008 Repreve Renewables, LLC Miscanthus plant named ‘MBS 1002’
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Feb 22 2012Mendel Biotechnology, Inc.(assignment on the face of the patent)
May 07 2014Mendel Biotechnology, IncRepreve Renewables, LLCASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS 0331070132 pdf
Mar 21 2017Repreve Renewables, LLCAGGROW TECH, LLCCERTIFICATE OF AMENDMENT0422860326 pdf
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