This invention relates to a new and distinctive short-day type cultivar designated as ‘Palomar’. ‘Palomar’ is a short-day (June-bearing) cultivar similar to ‘Camino Real’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,079), but with higher quality fruit, lower cull rate and lighter colored fruit; it is similar to ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469), but with a more compact plant, superior fruit quality, and firmer, better flavored fruit.

Jan 16 2007
Jan 16 2007
Nov 25 2008
Jan 16 2027
1. A new and distinct cultivar of strawberry plant having the characteristics substantially as described and illustrated herein.

Genus and species: The strawberry cultivar of this invention is botanically identified as Fragaria×ananassa Duch.

Variety denomination: The variety denomination is ‘Palomar’.

‘Palomar’ originated from a cross performed in 2000 between the cultivars ‘Camino Real’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,079) and ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469). Because ‘Palomar’ was isolated from pooled seed from a reciprocal cross, it is not known which parent is the maternal parent and which is the paternal parent. ‘Palomar’ was first fruited near Winters, Calif. in 2001, where it was selected, originally designated Cal 0.259-2, and propagated asexually by runners. Following selection and during testing, the plant was designated ‘C221’. Asexual propagules from this original source have been tested in Watsonville, Calif., Irvine, Calif., and to a limited extent in grower fields starting in 2002. The properties of this variety were found to be transmissible by such asexual reproduction. The cultivar is stable and reproduces true to type in successive generations of asexual reproduction.

This invention relates to a new and distinctive short-day type cultivar designated as ‘Palomar’. ‘Palomar’ is a short-day (June bearing) cultivar similar to ‘Camino Real’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,079) but with higher quality fruit, lower cull rate and lighter colored fruit; it is similar to ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469) but with a more compact plant, superior fruit quality, and firmer, better flavored fruit.

The figures depict various characteristics of the ‘Palomar’ cultivar.

FIG. 1 shows the general flowering and fruiting characteristics of plants in a field planting.

FIG. 2 shows a typical leaf at mid-season.

FIG. 3 shows representative mid-season fruit.

FIG. 4 shows a cross-section of representative mid-season fruit.

This invention relates to a new and distinctive short-day type cultivar designated as ‘Palomar’. ‘Palomar’ is typical of short-day strawberry cultivars and produces fruit over an extended period when treated appropriately in arid, subtropical climates. The production pattern for ‘Palomar’ is similar to that for ‘Camarosa’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 8,708) and ‘Camino Real’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,079), although it is somewhat earlier to initiate fruiting with most cultural treatments. ‘Palomar’ initiates fruiting somewhat earlier than ‘Ventana’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 13,469) when established in very early fall and somewhat later than ‘Ventana’ when established in mid to late fall. ‘Palomar’ will be of special interest for winter plantings, where ‘Camarosa’, ‘Ventana’ and ‘Camino Real’ have been successful, and in summer plantings where ‘Pajaro’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 4,538) and ‘Chandler’ (U.S. Plant Pat. No. 5,262) have been successful.

Foliar and plant characteristics for ‘Palomar’, ‘Camarosa’,
‘Camino Real’, and ‘Ventana’.
Foliar ‘Camino
Character ‘Camarosa’ Real’ ‘Ventana’ ‘Palomar’
height (mm)
mean 254 249 271 196
range 203-279 229-279 254-292 152-229
spread (mm)
mean 427 418 468 391
range 394-493 330-495 343-521 305-432
Mid-tier leaflet
Length (mm)
mean 83.5 79.5 87.2 75.5
range  70-100 70-95  70-110  70-100
Width (mm)
mean 85.5 85 76.1 71.5
range  70-100  70-100 60-85 65-80
Mid-tier leaf
Length (mm)
mean 269 265 281 211
range 217-311 225-313 205-341 150-298
Width (mm)
mean 132 133 156 122
range 115-150 110-145 140-170  90-175
length (mm)
mean 177 180 187 130
range 140-200 150-210 130-230  75-190
diameter (mm)
mean 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.6
range 3-5 3-5 3-4 3-4
length (mm)
mean 9.3 6.4 6.9 6.3
range  7-11 5-8 5-9 5-8
# leaflets/leaf 3 3, rarely 4 3 3, rarely 4
or 5
Leaf convexity flat-convex, very concave flat to very concave to
most slightly concave very concave
number/leaf 19.1 20.8 20.3 18.9
range 18-20 16-26 17-26 12-22
shape rounded, semi-pointed semi-pointed semi-pointed
some semi-
Leaf light- light- moderate- moderate
pubescence moderate moderate light
density heavy moderate- heavy moderate-
heavy heavy
direction perpen- perpendicu- perpen- perpen-
dicular lar to dicular dicular
Petiole color 5 GY 8/8 5 GY 8/8 7.5 GY 8/7 5 GY 8/8
length (mm)
mean 17.6 19.1 19.4 18.7
range 10-24 15-25 15-25 12-23
Stipule color
core 7.5 GY 8/7 2.5 GY 5/5 2.5 GY 6/8 5 GY 8/8
margins 2.5 GY 8/9 2.5 GY 4/3 2.5 GY 6/8 2.5 GY 6/8
Stolon base 3 3 2.4 2.6
diameter (mm)
Stolons per 42.6 33.7 23.7 36.7
mother plant
pattern pinnate pinnate pinnate pinnate
color 5 GY 4/3 7.5 GY 4/3 2.5 GY 4/3 5 GY 4/3

Disease resistance scores for ‘Palomar’ and three comparison
cultivars; Phytophthora and Verticillium scores were obtained
in evaluations conducted in 2004-2006, Colletotrichum was evaluated
in 2005-2006.
Phytophthora Verticillium Colletotrichum
Resistance Score Resistance Score Resistance Score
Genotype (5 = best) (5 = best) (5 = best
‘Camarosa’ 3.6 2.5 2.6
‘Camino Real 4.4 4.2 3.1
‘Ventana’ 2.5 3.0 3.0
‘Palomar’ 2.4 3.3 3.2

Flower and fruit characters for ‘Palomar’
and three comparison cultivars.
Character ‘Camarosa’ Real’ ‘Ventana’ ‘Palomar’
Petal number
mean 5.5 6.4 6.3 5.8
range 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7
Petal shape
apex truncate to truncate to truncate to truncate to
slightly slightly slightly slightly
obtuse obtuse obtuse obtuse
base attenuate attenuate attenuate attenuate
margin entire entire entire entire
length (mm)
mean 15.2 17.7 18.5 16.4
range  7-19 15-20 15-20 15-19
width (mm)
mean 14.1 17.3 18.8 17.4
range  7-16 15-20 16-20 15-20
Flower position most even exposed even to even to
(relative to some exposed exposed
foliage) exposed
mean 57.5 58.5 58 59
range 40-70 50-70 48-70 50-70
mean 43.1 45.6 55.1 44.3
range 30-52 39-55 43-67 38-53
length (mm)
mean 24 24.5 23 25.1
range 13-30 20-35 20-25 20-30
width (mm)
mean 12.8 15.3 11.1 12.8
range  5-20  8-20  8-15 10-17
Sepal color 2.5 GY 5/5 5 GY 5/6 5 GY 6/8 5 GY 5/6
length (mm)
mean 130 85 129 128
range 110-150  70-110 100-150 110-150
diameter (mm)
mean 3.7 3 3.7 3.7
range   3-4.5 2-4 3-5   3-4.5
Pedicel color 5 GY 6/8 2.5 GY 6/8 5 GY 5/6 5 GY 8/8
Fruit shape
length (mm)
mean 85 68 72.2 71.7
range  50-130  50-100  60-100 52-91
width (mm)
mean 70 62 63.3 64.2
range  50-100 40-90 50-80 52-81
ratio 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1
range 0.7-2.1 0.8-1.4 0.9-1.4 0.9-1.3
subjective Obovate-flat Short conic Medium Short conic
secondary fruit
size 40-60% 70-80% 50-60% 50-60%
shape similar similar shape similar shape similar shape
shape, more
Extent/size of small-absent absent small small-absent
hollow core
position indented- even- even- even-
neck indented reflexed indented
size relative to equal or less equal or equal or less equal or
fruit than fruit greater than than fruit greater than
diameter fruit diameter fruit
diameter diameter
Seed position indented- even- even- even-
extruded indented extruded indented
Adherence of weak strong intermediate weak
Calyx to Fruit

Flower measurements obtained on Mar. 21, 2005, fruit measurements on May 9, 2005.

Foliar and fruit color characteristics for ‘Palomar’
and three comparison cultivars.
Color ‘Camino
Character ‘Camarosa’ Real’ ‘Ventana’ ‘Palomar’
Leaf color
mean 34.5 29.7 33.8 32.2
range 31.6-37.9 27.3-31.5 31.4-35.9 30.6-34.9
mean −11 −8 −11.2 −9.5
range  −9.2-−12.4 −6.3-−9.9  −9.1-−13.7  −8.5-−11.2
mean 16.7 10.2 15.5 12.4
range 12.8-18.5  8.2-12.5 12.4-19.7 10.9-15.0
Munsell 5 GY 4/3 5 GY 4/3 5 GY 5/6 5 GY 4/3
mean 50.8 48 40 49.8
range 48.6-52.7 47.6-49.0 46.8-51.5 47.2-52.3
mean −9.4 −9.4 −9 −9.3
range  −7.9-−10.6 −8.2-−10.1 −8.0-−9.8 −8.0-−9.8
mean 19.4 16.4 17.7 15.7
range 17.0-22.3 15.0-18.1 15.4-21.3 13.8-16.9
Munsell 5 GY 6/8 5 GY 6/8 7.5 GY 7/9 5 GY 7/10
Fruit color
mean 39.2 33.7 38.4 39.3
range 37.1-42.4 29.0-39.4 34.4-42.9 36.5-44.8
mean 40.6 36.4 40.5 43.1
range 35.8-43.5 31.4-41.2 33.5-46.5 38.1-47.9
mean 25.6 20.2 25.7 27.4
range 22.1-28.9 13.6-27.5 19.7-29.5 21.7-34.1
Munsell 7.5 R 3/6 5 R 3/7 5 R 3/7 7.5 R 4/11
mean 60.4 56.6 61.4 59.1
range 53.9-67.8 49.2-61.6 54.7-68.8 46.5-64.1
mean 35.4 36.3 33.1 29.3
range 27.4-43.4 29.7-41.2 23.7-39.5 22.9-36.4
mean 36.3 35.8 34.1 30.9
range 27.4-45.7 30.6-40.9 27.6-40-2 24.3-37.4
Munsell 7.5 R 4/11 7.5 R 5/13 7.5 R 6/12 7.5 R 7/9
Achene color
Munsell 7.5 R 3/6 5 R 3/7 5 R 4/12 5 R 3/7
*CIELAB is the abbreviation of the international color system known as “Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage” 1978. For recommendations concerning uniform color spaces, color difference equations, and psychometric color terms see Supplement No. 2 of CIE Publication No. 15, Paris.

‘Palomar’ has been tested under a variety of cultural regimes, and optimal performance is obtained when nursery treatments and nutritional programs similar to those for ‘Camarosa’, ‘Ventana’, and ‘Camino Real’ are used. In general, ‘Palomar’ is less vigorous than ‘Camarosa’ or ‘Ventana’ with very early season planting is less sensitive to excess chilling than ‘Ventana’. ‘Palomar’ retains excellent fruit quality in summer planting systems.

When treated with appropriate planting regimes, ‘Palomar’ has larger fruit and produces individual-plant yields to similar to that of ‘Camarosa’; it produces less fruit per plant but develops larger and higher quality fruit than ‘Ventana’ (Table 5). ‘Palomar’ has a similar production pattern to ‘Camino Real’ with most cultural treatments, although the production is less peaked and it is substantially more adapted to early-season winter planting. Commercial appearance ratings have been better than those for all of the comparison cultivars, especially ‘Camarosa’; those superior appearance scores translate directly into a larger fraction of marketable fruit than is produced by the comparison cultivars. Fruit for ‘Palomar’ is substantially firmer than fruit from ‘Ventana’, similar in firmness to the other comparison cultivars. Subjectively, ‘Palomar’ has outstanding flavor. The fruit will be exceptional for both fresh market and processing, and will be useful for home garden purposes.

Performance of ‘Palomar’ and three comparison cultivars evaluated
at the Watsonville Research Facility in 2004-6. All plants for these
trials were harvested from a commercial nursery near Macdoel, CA on
October 15-16, and transplanted after 6-15 days supplemental storage.
Fruit harvest was initiated in early April and continued through the
last week of August. (52″ 2-row beds, 17,300 plants/acre).
Appearance Fruit
Yield Score Size
Item (g/plant) (5 = best) (g/fruit) Firmness*
‘Camarosa’ 2,086 3.1 26.1 9.9
‘Camino Real’ 2,086 3.5 31.3 9.8
‘Ventana’ 2,331 3.4 30.6 8.8
‘Palomar’ 2,031 3.7 30.2 10.2
*Fruit firmness ratings are the amount of force in tenths of pounds required to drive a 3 mm flat probe 1 cm into a ripe fruit. This is measured with a Hunter Force Guage.

Achenes number per fruit and size for ‘Palomar’
and three comparison cultivars.
Cultivar Sample Weight (g) Seed Count Seed/g Size (mm)
‘Camarosa’ 1 45 427 9.49
2 47 577 12.28
3 47 502 10.68
Average 46.33 502.00 10.82 1.3 × 1.7
‘Ventana’ 1 44 441 10.02
2 41 471 11.49
3 54 491 9.09
Average 46.33 467.67 10.20 1.2 × 1.6
‘Camino’ 1 42 371 8.83
2 45 470 10.44
3 38 447 11.76
Average 41.67 429.33 10.35  1.3 × 1.75
‘Palomar’ 1 38 463 12.18
2 36 458 12.72
3 29 450 15.52
Average 34.33 457.00 13.47 1.2 × 1.4
* The seed count is the number of seed per fruit. The seed/g is the number of seeds per gram of fresh fruit weight because the fruit size differs. The averages may vary depending on culture conditions and regimen.

Shaw, Douglas V., Larson, Kirk D.

Patent Priority Assignee Title
PP22542, Jan 29 2010 The Regents of the University of California Strawberry plant named ‘Benicia’
PP22589, Jan 29 2010 The Regents of the University of California Strawberry plant named ‘Mojave’
PP25223, Jan 22 2013 The United States of America, as represented by The Secretary of Agriculture Strawberry plant named ‘Sweet Sunrise’
PP25300, Jan 22 2013 The United States of America, as represented by The Secretary of Agriculture Strawberry plant named ‘Charm’
Patent Priority Assignee Title
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Jan 16 2007The Regents of the University of California(assignment on the face of the patent)
Feb 20 2007LARSON, KIRK D The Regents of the University of CaliforniaASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS 0189830186 pdf
Feb 26 2007SHAW, DOUGLAS V The Regents of the University of CaliforniaASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST SEE DOCUMENT FOR DETAILS 0189830181 pdf
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