The aluminum alloy comprises by weight 81 to 91.8 percent aluminum, 4 to 8 percent iron, 4 to 8 percent nickel and 0.1 to 3 percent chromium. The preferred nominal composition is 86 percent aluminum, 6 percent iron, 6 percent nickel, and 2 percent chromium.

Mar 22 1985
Oct 02 1987
Jan 24 1989
Jan 24 2006
all paid
1. A hot worked aluminum base alloy powder article consisting essentially of 81 to 91.9 percent aluminum, 4 to 8 percent iron, 4 to 8 percent nickel, and 0.1 to 3 percent chromium.
2. The aluminum base alloy of claim 1 wherein the preferred nominal composition is 86 percent aluminum, 6 percent iron, 6 percent nickel and 2 percent chromium.

This is a continuation of co-pending application Ser. No. 871,191 filed on June 5, 1986, now abandoned which is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. 714,765, filed Mar. 22, 1985.

The invention relates to aluminum alloys and, in particular, to a new dispersion strengthened, aluminum alloy containing nickel, iron, and chromium, that can withstand extended, elevated temperature exposures of up to 800° F. and still retain excellent mechanical properties upon return to room temperature.

Dispersion strengthened aluminum alloys containing large volume fractions of finely dispersed, insoluble intermetallic particles can be produced by powder metallurgical techniques. Of interest is U.S. Pat. No. 2,963,780, "Aluminum Alloy Powder Product" by J.P. Lyle, Jr. et al. The Lyle et al. invention is directed to hot worked, dispersion hardened aluminum alloy compositions adapted for service at elevated temperatures. These aluminum alloys are produced by atomizing powders which contain very fine intermetallic particles preferably under 0.4 micrometers. The powder is subsequently compacted at high temperature and hot worked by extrusion processes. Thereafter it may be rolled or forged. Alloy compositions are claimed having iron contents of between 5 and 10% by weight, with at least one hardening element selected from the group composed of 0.1 to 10% manganese, 0.1 to 10% nickel, 0.1 to 10% cobalt, 0.1 to 10% chromium, 0.1 to 10% titanium, 0.1 to 10% zirconium, and 0.1 to 10% vanadium, with the total amounts of the hardening elements not exceeding 10% by weight. No example of an aluminum alloy having a nominal 6% iron, 6% nickel, and 2% chromium was discussed therein.

Another typical technique for making such alloys is disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,899,820, "Method of Producing a Dispersion-Strengthened Aluminum Alloy" by P. J. Read, et al., (also herein incorporated by reference). Read, et al., discloses a method of spray casting wherein the atomized aluminum, in the form of a stream of molten alloy, is cooled by high-velocity jets of nitrogen or other suitable gases. The atomized molten droplets are carried to a moving substrate wherein, upon impact, they solidify at extremely high cooling rates as a result of initial gas cooling and secondary cooling from the substrate. In general, Read, et al., discloses the use of alumimun with 0.05 to 25% of alloying constituents. The amount of the alloying constituents is in excess of the equilibrium solubility. Of particular interest is their disclosure of aluminum alloys containing 3 to 15% of transition metals comprising titanium, vanadium, chromium, magnesium, iron, cobalt, nickel, zirconium, niobium, and molybdenum. P. J. Read et al. particularly emphasizes the fact that the process allows the alloying additions to be retained in the super-saturated solid solution or dispersed in very fine, less-than-one micrometer, particles which are beneficial for dispersion strengthening.

While the above alloys disclosed in the reference patent have shown good strength up to 600° F., above this temperature there remains a need for alloys which exhibit good strength. Also of interest is U.S. Pat. No. 4,347,076, "Aluminum-Transition Metal Alloys Made Using Rapidly Solidified Powders and Method" by Ranjan Ray et al. and U.S. Pat. No. 4,104,061, "Powder Metallurgy" by S. Roberts.

What is important about these alloys is that they cannot be made by the more conventional ingot-casting processes in that the alloy ingredients tend to segregate into coarse constituents during solidification. The coarse intermetallic phases do not substantially contribute to strengthening of the alloy due to a large particle size and spacing. Generally, for dispersion strengthened alloys, particle spacings of one micrometer or less, are effective in increasing the strength of the matrix. In addition, retention of room temperature and elevated temperature strength upon elevated temperature exposure is desirable in aluminum alloys.

Therefore, it is a primary object of the subject invention to provide an aluminum alloy that has good mechanical properties up to 800° F.

Another object of the subject invention is to provide an aluminum alloy that retains substantially all its room temperature mechanical properties after extended exposure to temperatures up to and including 800° F.

It is further object of the subject invention to provide an aluminum alloy having superior compression strength in the 600° F. temperature range, compared to existing dispersion strengthened aluminum alloys.

The aluminum alloy essentially comprises 81 to 91.9% aluminum, 4.0 to 8.0% iron, 4.0 to 8.0% nickel, and 0.1 to 3.0% chromium. The preferred nominal alloy content is 6% iron, 6% nickel and 2% chromium with the remainder aluminum. The alloy has been fabricated by consolidating the atomized powder and hot extruding into a rectangular bar. Extensive testing of this alloy has demonstrated a unique combination of mechanical properties which are believed to have not been previously achieved. A yield strength of over 78,000 psi and ultimate strength 84,000 psi and an elastic modulus of 13.8 million pounds per square inch at room temperature have been obtained for an alloy having 86.9% Al, 5.7% Fe, 5.7% Ni, and 1.7 Cr. In addition, this alloy has demonstrated excellent strength after exposures at temperatures up to and including 800° F. An ultimate strength of 14,000 psi with a 30% elongation has been obtained at 800° F.

The novel features which are believed to be characteristic to the invention, both as to its organization and method of operation, together with further objects and advantages thereof, will be better understood from the following description.

Illustrated in FIG. 1 is a graph of the room and elevated temperature ultimate tension strength for four alloys.

Illustrated in FIG. 2 is a graph of the room and elevated temperature yield strength for four alloys.

Illustrated in FIG. 3 is a graph of the room and elevated temperature compression yield for three alloys.

Illustrated in FIG. 4 is a graph of the room and elevated temperature compression elastic modulis for three alloys.

Ilustrated in FIG. 5 is a graph of the room temperature fatigue properties for the alloy.

Illustrated in FIG. 6 is a graph of the percent room temperature ultimate strength at room temperature after thermal exposure.

Illustrated in FIG. 7 is a table comparing the specific properties of the subject aluminum alloy to titanium.

Using the nominal values of the alloy ingredients, i.e., Al-6Fe-6Ni-2Cr, a 78,000 psi yield strength, an ultimate strength of 84,000 psi, and an elastic modulus of 13.8 million psi has been obtained at room temperature. Similar performance can be obtained with an alloy compositions between 4 to 8 percent iron, 4 to 8 percent nickel, and 0.1 to 3 percent chromium are believed to result in superior combinations of strength and elastic modulus at room and elevated temperatures up to at least 800° F.

The range of composition is included because alloys fabricated with these compositions would possess essentially the same microstructure and, therefore, beneficial properties of nominal Al-6Fe-6Ni-2Cr. In addition, all alloy specifications include a range of composition due to processing variabilities. Alloys containing less than the range of composition would not produce sufficient dispersoids for the alloy to possess optimum properties. Alloys with more constituents than the range given would not be useful in an engineering application due to limited ductility.

The alloy may be fabricated by using splat or conventional powder atomization and consolidation procedures previously mentioned in U.S. Pat. Nos. 3,899,820, "Method of Producing a Dispersion-Strengthened Aluminum Alloy" by P. J. Read, et al., and 2,963,780, "Aluminum Alloy Powder Product" by J. P. Lyle, Jr., et al. Additional methods are disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 4,379,719, "Aluminum Powder Alloy Product for High Temperature Application" and U.S. Pat. No. 4,464,199, "Aluminum Powder Alloy Product for High Temperature Application" both by G. J. Hildeman, et al.

Microstructural examination of the alloy revealed the microstructure was uniform with well-dispersed fine particles. A typical alloy composition was found to be 5.74% Fe, 5.73% Ni, 1.7% Cr, balance Al and trace elements.

X-ray analysis of the alloy has indicated that two distinct phases exist, Al 7Cr and Al 9(Fe,Ni) 2, which establishes that the additions of Chromium have a decided effect on the physical properties of the alloy.

Mechanical property testing of the alloy was conducted according to the appropriate ASTM Standards. Table 1 is a comparison of tension properties of Al-6Fe-6Ni composition with and without Cr at 650° F. after a 1,000 hour exposure to that temperature. The results show that the addition of Cr substantially improves elevated temperature strength.

Alloy Ultimate Yield
Composition Strength Strength Elongation
(wt. %) (psi) (psi) (%)
20.9 × 103
16.3 × 103
23.9 × 103
18.9 × 103
14.4% increase
16% increase
*AFWAL Report TR81-4076

The results of the room and elevated temperature (450° F., 600° F., 800° F.) tension tests are presented in Table 2. Longitudinal with selected transverse testing was conducted. The results are averaged of triplicate tests except as indicated in the table. The room temperature strength and modulus were excellent for this alloy, with ductility being somewhat low. A comparison of room and elevated temperature tension properties of the subject alloy and other available high-temperature aluminum alloys are presented in FIG. 1 (Ultimate Strength), FIG. 2 (Yield Strength).

Yield Elon-
Exposure Test Ultimate
0.2% Modu- tion in
Test Condi- Direc- Strength,
lus, 1 inch,
Temp. tions tion ksi ksi Msi %
Room -- L 86.5 79.3 13.8 3
Temp. T 84.7 72.6 13.4 3
450° F.
1/2 hr L + 52.1 45.1 10.1 2
at 450° F.
1000 hrs L 52.6 46.9 11.1 3
at 450° F.
T 51.7 48.1 10.3 2
600° F.
1/2 hr L + 31.4 26.5 8.0 3
at 600° F.
T + 35.0 27.0 8.9 3
100 hrs L 32.3 27.8 9.1 3
at 600° F.
T 33.5 28.4 8.7 3
800° F.
1/2 hr L + 13.1 -- -- 39
at 800° F.
100 hrs L + 13.6 -- -- 30
at 800° F.
+ Averages of duplicate testing

The compression test results are presented in Table 3. Longitudinal with selected transverse testing was conducted. The results are averages of triplicate tests except as indicated in the table. The compression yield strength of this alloy is superior to the other alloy systems evaluated at elevated temperatures. In addition, the alloy retains its compression modulus at the elevated temperatures after longtime exposure. Comparing the short and longtime exposure at 600° F., both the longitudinal and transverse longtime exposure properties were higher than after short time exposure. The high compression yield strength and modulus are excellent from an applications viewpoint.

Test 0.2% Elastic
Exposure Test Offset,
ature Conditions Direction ksi Msi
Room -- L 79.6 11.9
Temp. T 80.5 12.4
450° F.
1/2 hr at 450° F.
L + 58.2 11.9
1000 hrs at 450° F.
L 57.6 12.5
T 67.9 12.4
600° F.
1/2 hr at 600° F.
L 50.4 11.0
T + 41.4 11.2
100 hrs as 600° F.
L 56.2 12.3
T 48.4 11.9
+ Averages of duplicate testing

Illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5 are room and elevated temperature compressive properties, in particular, FIG. 4 presents compression yield and FIG. 5 presents compression elastic modulus of the subject alloy compared to other presently available alloys. Note particularly here in these two graphs, the superior performance of the subject alloy, particularly at 600° F.

Both room temperature tension and compression tests were conducted on material exposed to temperatures, up to 800° F. exposed material. The averages of duplicate tension test results are presented in Table 4. No loss in tensile strength was observed except for the material which was exposed for 100 hours at 800° F. For this condition, only yield strength slightly decreased while modulus and elongation retained its pre-exposed properties. Therefore, a superior thermal stability exists for this alloy system compared to other Al-Fe alloys. The room temperature compression test results (averages of duplicate specimens) after longtime exposure are presented in Table 5. For the conditions evaluated, no loss in compression yield or modulus was observed.

Test Temperature is at Room Temperature
Ultimate Strength Elastic Elongation
Strength, 0.2% Offset,
in 1 inch,
ksi ksi Msi %
-- 86.5 79.3 13.8 3
1000 hrs
84.8 78.5 14.5 4
at 450° F.
100 hrs 85.8 79.8 12.7 3
at 600° F.
1000 hrs
84.2 78.0 12.5 2
at 600° F.
100 hrs -- 75.4 13.2 2
at 800° F.
Note: All results averages of duplicate tests except for the unexposed
test results.
Test Temperature is at Room Temperature
Exposure Yield Strength
Conditions 0.2% Offset, ksi
Modulus, Msi
-- 79.6 11.9
1000 hrs at 450° F.
77.1 12.7
100 hrs at 600° F.
78.1 12.1
Note: All results averages of duplicate tests except for the unexposed
test results.

Room temperature fatigue testing was also conducted. Testing was conducted using a stress ratio of +0.1 and a frequency of 20 Hz. The tabulated results of the fatigue testing are presented in Table 6. The results are similar to that obtained with conventional aluminum ingot materials as illustrated in FIG. 5. Note that the fatigue results are generally comparable with other aluminum alloys.

Maximum Net
Stress, ksi Cycles to Failure
17.5 1 × 107 (runout)
20.0 725,127
22.5 6,376,840
25.0 27,488
27.5 15,899
30.0 7,754
32.5 3,966

Presented in FIG. 6 is a comparison of the percent of room temperature ultimate strength at room temperature after thermal exposure of the subject alloy with various prior art high temperature Al alloys. Note that the subject alloy compares favorably with all of the prior art alloys. Additionally, for comparison purposes, data on a conventional high strength Al alloy (2024) is presented.

The Al-6Fe-6Ni-2Cr alloy also has potential to replace titanium in compression dominated and modulus or stiffness dominated structure. This is demonstrated by the specific strength and specific modulus values presented in FIG. 7.

To demonstrate the lower limits of the constituents of the Al-Fe-Ni-Cr alloy, an alloy of the following composition was fabricated: Al-4.7Fe-4.7Ni-0.2Cr. This alloy was fabricated similarly to the Al-5.7Fe-5.7Ni-1.7Cr by consolidating the atomized powder and hot extruding into a rectangular bar. Table 7 presents the room and elevated temperature tension properties for the rectangular bar. The stability of the Al-4.7Fe-4.7Ni-0.2Cr is demonstrated by the room temperature results after thermal exposure - 600° F. for 100 hours. The no exposure room temperature strength properties of 48 ksi yield strength and 60 ksi ultimate strength represent a lower limit of strength properties acceptable for engineering applications. The elevated temperature strength at 600° F. also represents the lower limit of strength of 19 ksi yield strength and 24 ksi ultimate strength.

To further indicate the potential for the Al-Fe-Ni-Cr alloys, two additional product forms, plate and sheet, were fabricated for the Al-4.7Fe-4.7Ni-0.2Cr alloy. The room temperature tension properties for the alloy in the plate and sheet product forms are presented in Table 8. The strength properties of the plate and sheet are consistent with the extrusion data.

The two different compositions of Al-Fe-Ni-Cr which were fabricated along with the three different product forms demonstrate the engineering viability of the material for engineering applications. The upper and lower limits of alloying constituents are represented and verified by the tension properties which have been presented.

OF Al--4.7Fe--4.7Ni--0.2Cr
(Longitudinal Test Direction)
Yield Elonga-
Ultimate Strength
tion in
Test Exposure Strength,
0.2% offset,
1 inch,
Temp. Conditions
ksi ksi Msi %
Room -- 60 48 12.4 11
Room 100 hrs 58 49 10.4 12
Temp. at 600 F.
600 F.
100 hrs 24 19 7.9 23
at 600 F.
Data averages of triplicate specimens
OF Al--4.7Fe--4.7Ni--0.2Cr
(Longitudinal Test Direction)
Yield Elon-
Prod- Exposure Ultimate
0.2% Modu- tion in
uct Test Condi- Strength,
lus, 1 inch,
Form Temp. tions ksi ksi Msi %
Plate Room -- 58 46 12.1 14
Room 100 hrs 58 48 11.0 10
Temp at 600 F.
600 F. 100 hrs 21 15 7.2 22
at 600 F.
Sheet Room -- 61 51 11.1 7
Room 100 hrs 58 48 11.3 6
Temp at 600 F.
600 F. 100 hrs 22 16 6.4 19
at 600 F.
Data averages of triplicate specimens

While the invention has been described with reference to a particular embodiment, it should be understood that the embodiment is merely illustrative as there are numerous variations and modifications which may be made by those skilled in the art. Thus, the invention is to be construed as being limited only by the spirit and scope of the appended claims.

The alloy has application as a structure material, requiring high strength and stiffeners particularly in locations on aircraft exposed to elevated temperatures.

Hildeman, Gregory J., Langenbeck, Sharon L.

Patent Priority Assignee Title
5332415, Sep 05 1991 YKK Corporation Compacted and consolidated aluminum-based alloy material and production process thereof
Patent Priority Assignee Title
4104061, Oct 21 1976 Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation Powder metallurgy
4347076, Oct 03 1980 Marko Materials, Inc. Aluminum-transition metal alloys made using rapidly solidified powers and method
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Oct 02 1987Lockheed Corporation(assignment on the face of the patent)
Date Maintenance Fee Events
Jun 08 1992M183: Payment of Maintenance Fee, 4th Year, Large Entity.
Jun 21 1996M184: Payment of Maintenance Fee, 8th Year, Large Entity.
Mar 08 2000ASPN: Payor Number Assigned.
Jul 21 2000M185: Payment of Maintenance Fee, 12th Year, Large Entity.

Date Maintenance Schedule
Jan 24 19924 years fee payment window open
Jul 24 19926 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 24 1993patent expiry (for year 4)
Jan 24 19952 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 4)
Jan 24 19968 years fee payment window open
Jul 24 19966 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 24 1997patent expiry (for year 8)
Jan 24 19992 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 8)
Jan 24 200012 years fee payment window open
Jul 24 20006 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Jan 24 2001patent expiry (for year 12)
Jan 24 20032 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 12)