The manufacture of hydrogen cyanide by the catalytic reaction of air, ammonia and a hydrocarbon gas employing a catalyst pack which consists of a top layer of platinum-rhodium alloy catalyst gauze or granular catalyst and a bottom layer of platinum-rhodium alloy metal catalyst gauze or granular catalyst, wherein the top layer is a finer mesh than the bottom layer.

Oct 09 1990
Oct 09 1990
Mar 17 1992
Oct 09 2010
1. A process for producing hydrogen cyanide comprising feeding a gaseous mixture comprising nitrogen compounds, oxygen and carbon compounds to a reactor containing two superposed layers of catalyst comprising one or more platinum group metals, the first layer of catalyst containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum group metal present in the total catalyst bed in the form of 40 to 100 mesh gauze or 0.2 to 1.0 mm size particles and the second layer of catalyst containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum group metal present in the total catalyst bed in the form of a 20 to 40 mesh gauze or 2 to 10 mm size particles, provided, however, that when the form of catalyst is gauze, the mesh size of the first layer is finer than the mesh size of the second layer.
15. In a process for producing hydrogen cyanide wherein a reactant mixture comprising ammonia, oxygen and a hydrocarbon gas is reacted in a bed containing a platinum metal gauze catalyst, the improvement for increasing the % single pass conversion of ammonia to hydrogen cyanide by the steps comprising:
forming the catalyst into a bed comprising two superposed layers, said first layer containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum metal catalyst present in the total catalyst bed and the gauze is from 40 to 100 mesh, said second layer containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum metal present in the total catalyst bed and the gauze is from 20 to 40 mesh, with the proviso that the mesh size of the first layer is finer than the mesh size of the second layer; and
(b) passing said reactant mixture through said first catalyst layer and then through said second catalyst layer.
13. In a process for preparing hydrogen cyanide by reacting a mixture of air, ammonia and a hydrocarbon gas in the presence of a catalyst comprising one or more platinum group metals, a method for improving the % single pass conversion of ammonia to hydrogen cyanide in said process which comprises:
(a) forming the catalyst into a catalyst bed comprising two superposed layers, said first layer containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum group metal present in the total catalyst bed and having the form of 40 to 100 mesh gauze or from 0.02 to 1.0 mm size particles, and said second layer of catalyst containing from 33 to 67 weight percent of the platinum group metal present in the total catalyst bed and having the form of a 20 to 40 mesh gauze or from 2 to 10 mm size particles; and
(b) passing said mixture through said first catalyst layer and then through said second catalyst layer, with the proviso that when the catalyst is gauze, the mesh size of the first layer is finer than the mesh size of the second layer.
2. The process of claim 1 wherein both of the layers of the catalyst bed are in the form of particles and the second layer contains particles from 5 to 10 times the diameter of the particles in the first layer.
3. The process of claim 2 wherein the reaction is carried out at from about 1000° to 1200°C
4. The process of claim 3 wherein the catalyst contains between 50 and 90 weight percent platinum.
5. The process of claim 4 wherein the feed to the reactor consists essentially of a mixture of ammonia, methane and air.
6. The process of claim 5 wherein the catalyst consists essentially of about 90 weight percent platinum and 10 weight percent rhodium.
7. The process of claim 1 wherein both layers of the catalyst bed are in the form of a mesh gauze and the mesh size of the first layer is from 1.5 to 5 times the mesh size of the second layer.
8. The process of claim 7 wherein the reaction is carried out at from about 1000° to 1200°C
9. The process of claim 8 wherein the catalyst contains between about 50 and 90 weight percent platinum.
10. The process of claim 9 wherein the feed to the reactor consists essentially of a mixture of ammonia, methane and air.
11. The process of claim 10 wherein the wires forming the mesh in both layers are from about 1 to 5 mils in diameter.
12. The process of claim 11 wherein the catalyst consists essentially of about 90 weight percent platinum and about 10 weight percent rhodium in the catalyst pack.
14. The process of claim 13 in which the catalyst is an alloy comprising 90% platinum and 10% rhodium, the first catalyst layer is an 80 mesh gauze, and the second catalyst layer is a 40 mesh gauze.

The present invention relates to the manufacture of hydrogen cyanide by the reaction of air, ammonia and a hydrocarbon gas in the presence of a catalyst consisting of one or more of the platinum metals. It relates particularly to an improved catalyst pack for ammonia conversion to hydrogen cyanide.

The catalyst employed in commercial processes for the formation of hydrogen cyanide from air, ammonia and a hydrocarbon gas is generally some form of platinum or one of its alloys. The catalyst may take the physical shape of wire gauze, metallic particles, plates, spirals or may be a metallic coating on various inert substrates. Wire gauzes may take the form of flat gauzes, cylindrical type gauzes or conical structures of gauzes.

The primary object of this invention is to provide a method for making a catalyst pack which yields a higher conversion of ammonia to hydrogen cyanide than has been realized by employing a single mesh size of platinum-rhodium alloy catalyst gauze. The improved catalyst pack consists of a plurality of top layers of platinum-rhodium alloy catalyst gauzes or granular catalyst and a bottom layer of platinum-rhodium alloy catalyst gauzes or granular catalyst, wherein the top layer is a finer mesh than the bottom layer.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,244,479 discloses a method for regenerating gauze catalysts in situ. The discussed catalyst, of 90% platinum and 10% rhodium, consists of three layers of 80 mesh, 3 mil gauze.

U.S. Pat. No. 2,831,752 discloses a combination catalyst body employing gauze and granular material and a method for activating new catalysts and reactivating spent catalysts. The catalyst comprises at least one metallic gauze superimposed on a granular refractory material covered with a metallic coating. In normal practices, the granular material is about 6 to 10 mesh and is formed into a bed of about 3/4 to 11/2 inch (1.9 to 3.8 cm) thick and the overlayer comprises a single gauze. When more than one layer of gauze is employed, the layers are separated by 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) layers of 6 to 10 mesh porcelain chips.

U.S. Pat. No. 2,975,144 discloses a method of catalyst support which eliminates contact of the catalyst with heat conductive holders, clamps or other metallic or heat conductive surfaces. The apparatus is thus constructed in such a manner that the catalyst temperature is as uniform as possible and that heat dissipation and loss of heat due to radiation is minimized. In a preferred embodiment, the wires that make up the gauze are of a thickness of about 0.16 to 0.20 mm. In addition, several layers of such catalyst gauzes, of unspecified mesh size, are placed one over the other to permit the use of a higher velocity of reaction gases.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,056,655 discloses a reactor design in which either catalyst gauze or finely divided catalyst particles are supported on layers of inert pellets which range in size from fine particles (1/8 inch [0.32 cm] cylinders) immediately underneath the catalyst layer to relatively coarse pellets (5/8 inch [1.59 cm] cylinders) at the downstream size of the reactor which are, in turn, supported on an insulating refractory plate. When catalyst gauze is used, the layer of graded pellets is optional. The purpose of the refractory plate is to insulate the catalyst from the metal surfaces of the heat exchanger. The inert pellets serve as catalyst support.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,545,939 discloses a support system for the catalyst used in the production of hydrogen cyanide in a conventional reactor. The support system consists of sillimanite grid tiles which support a bed of graded ceramic pellets--a layer of 5/8 inch (1.59 cm) pellets cover the tiles, on top of which is a layer of 3/8 inch (0.95 cm) pellets, which is covered by a layer of 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) pellets. One additional layer of ceramic pellets cover the 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) pellets. Covering the ceramic pellets is a corrugated ceramic material which supports several layers of platinum-rhodium gauze pads.

U.S. Pat. No. 4,469,666 discloses the design of a catalyst pack the purpose of which is to improve the durability of platinum group metal catalyst gauzes used in the production of hydrocyanic acid. Improved durability implies that the same conversion efficiency of ammonia with less precious metal or that with the same quantity of precious metal, greater conversion is obtained. The catalyst pack is described in U.S. 4,469,666 as "a pack of woven metallic gauzes wherein at least some of the gauzes disposed at or towards the front of the pack are made from wire having a cross-sectional area greater than at least some of the gauzes disposed at

or towards the rear of the pack. The ,front, of the pack is considered to be that portion of the pack which gas entering the pack contacts first. ... [For more than two stages,] the cross-sectional area of the wire of the gauze or gauzes in any one stage is greater than the cross-sectional area of the wire of the gauzes or gauzes in the next succeeding stage considered in the direction of the flow of reactants through the unit".

The present invention relates to the manufacture of hydrogen cyanide by the reaction of air, ammonia and a hydrocarbon gas in the presence of an improved catalyst pack, by use of which it has been found that the single pass conversion of ammonia to hydrogen cyanide can be increased. The catalyst pack consists of a top layer of platinum-rhodium alloy catalyst gauze or granular catalyst and a bottom layer of platinum-rhodium alloy metal catalyst gauze or granular catalyst, wherein the top layer is a finer mesh or particle size than the bottom layer.

The platinum metal catalyst employed in the process of this invention may be one of the platinum group metals, defined to be platinum, rhodium, iridium, palladium, osmium or ruthenium, or a mixture or alloy of two or more of these metals. The preferred alloy contains between 50% and 90% platinum. The most preferred alloy consists of 90% platinum and 10% rhodium. The platinum metal catalyst packs may be employed in the form of a top layer segment of catalyst gauzes and a bottom layer segment of catalyst gauzes, wherein the top layers are a finer mesh than the bottom layers. The top of the catalyst pack is considered to be that portion of the pack which gas entering the pack contacts first. Each layer may consist of one or more catalyst gauzes. It is not necessary that each layer be composed of an equal number of catalyst gauzes or of an equal weight of catalyst, but generally the catalytic metal in the upper layer of gauzes will comprise from 33 to 67 wt. % of the catalytic metal present and the bottom layer of gauzes also contains 33 to 67 wt. %. In addition, it may be desirable to include a sheet of catalyst gauze made of a thicker wire at the bottom of the pack to add structural support to the catalyst pack, and constructed with a coarse mesh so that the flow distribution of the gases is not disturbed.

A granular catalyst may be used to form an equivalent catalyst pack, i.e., two different "mesh" sizes of granular catalyst may be layers such that the finer mesh is on the top of the coarser mesh. A granular catalyst may also be used in combination with a catalyst gauze, an example of which is given in U.S. Pat. No. 2,831,752 but with two different "mesh" sizes. Platinum metal catalyst employed as a granular catalyst may be one of the platinum metals as defined above. The granular catalyst may be in the form of metal pellets, spheres, chips, turnings, etc., or in the form of platinum metal alloy catalyst coating on an inert substrate such as beryl (beryllium aluminum silicate), alumina, sillimanite, etc.

It is believed that the increased ammonia conversion results from improved flow distribution. The preferred 80 mesh upper layer acts as a flow distributor which improves the flow distribution to the 40 mesh lower layer. The net result is that the mixed bed outperforms an equivalent 80 mesh bed. In a preferred aspect of the invention, the wire forming the mesh in both layers is about the same diameter of about 1 to 5 mils (2.54×10-5 to 12.7×10-5 m). The preferred mesh size is from 40 to 100 mesh for the upper or front section and from 20 to 40 mesh for the bottom or back section of the catalyst bed. Generally the top or front section should have a mesh size from 1.5 to 5 times the mesh size of the bottom or back section of the catalyst bed. When using a particulate catalyst bed, the particle size of the top layer should be from 0.2 to 1.0 mm and the particle size of the bottom layer should be from 2.0 to 10.0 mm. The average particle size of the bottom layer particles should be from 5 to 10 times the particle size of the top layer particles. Generally, the total catalyst bed will be from 0.5 to 6.00 inches in thickness.

This invention is particularly useful when employed in combination with the hydrogen cyanide reactor and process disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,104,945. The reaction mixture, in the temperature range 400 to 525°C, of a controlled composition containing air, ammonia and methane or a gas consisting predominantly of methane, preferably preheated, is passed over a platinum metal catalyst. The composition of the said reaction mixture is controlled to contain about 1 volume of methane or natural gas to 1 volume of ammonia and air equivalent of 25% to 40% of the amount that would be required for complete oxidation of the ammonia and methane to water, nitrogen and carbon dioxide. In carrying out the hydrogen cyanide synthesis, maximum yields are obtained when reaction conditions are maintained in such a manner that the product gas always contains unreacted hydrocarbon equivalent to 0.1 to 0.3% by volume of methane. Variations in preheat temperature or methane feed cause variations in the catalyst bed temperature which is maintained in the range of from 1000° to 1200°C

The reactant mixture which is preferred for the synthesis of hydrogen cyanide is a mixture of ammonia, methane or natural gas, and air. It is to be understood, however, that the process of this invention may be employed with mixtures of nitric oxide and hydrocarbons; ammonia, methane and oxygen; and other mixtures of gases comprising nitrogen compounds, oxygen and carbon compounds, including hydrocarbons and carbon oxides. Another reaction which may be carried out in the presence of the combination catalyst pack of this invention is the oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid. Other reactions in which this combination catalyst pack may be employed will be apparent to those skilled in the art.

The process may be carried out at any pressure, i.e., at atmospheric, superatmospheric or subatmospheric. In practicing this process of making hydrogen cyanide, conventional gas mixtures, reaction conditions, materials of reactor, preheater, etc. and methods of working up the combustion products are employed and need not be described in detail.

U.S. Pat. No. 3,215,495 discloses a method for preventing heat loss from the catalyst bed by the use of inert refractory fiber and/or refractory particles on the surface of the catalyst which faces the reactant gas flow. The use of refractory materials on the surface of the catalyst pack of the current invention in no way detracts from the scope of the invention and may in fact prove to be beneficial. Many variations in conditions from those given in the examples can be made without departing from the scope of the invention.

The data from a side-by-side comparison of a 40 mesh catalyst pack (B converter), a 80 mesh catalyst pack (A converter) and equal weight of a 40 and 80 mesh catalyst pack (C converter) are reported in Examples 1, 2 and 3. The process was based on U.S. Pat. No. 3,104,945 in which the reactants, air, ammonia and natural gas were passed, on a single pass once-through basis, through the catalyst pack.

The same weight loading of 90% platinum-10% rhodium alloy catalyst was used in each converter. In each catalyst pack, a single 20 mesh sheet of 9 mil (2.3×10-4 m) wire was placed at the bottom to provide structural support of the catalyst pack. For the mixed bed catalyst pack, the 80 mesh sheets were layered on top of the 40 mesh sheets with the 20 mesh sheet on the bottom, downstream of the gas flow. The catalyst gauze for the 40 and 80 mesh gauze was made with 3 mil (7.62×10-5 m) wire.

All these tests were done at moderate preheat temperatures. The preheated gas temperature was between 308° to 350°C

Catalyst Bed:
80 mesh - 2 sheets
40 mesh - 32 sheets
20 mesh - 1 sheet
Total number of sheets = 35
Total weight of catalyst = 1037 Troy ounces
B Converter Data
Forty Mesh Bed
Conv Yield Unreacted
Day % % NH3 %
1 1 62.4 78.1 20.1
2 3 65.4 81.7 20.0
3 8 66.1 79.1 16.4
4 10 65.4 77.8 16.0
5 15 63.4 77.3 18.0
6 22 67.1 82.1 18.3
7 32 64.6 78.8 18.1
8 36 64.5 80.7 20.1
9 37 66.9 81.7 18.2
10 43 65.3
11 52 68.6 82.3 16.6
12 57 65.3 83.7 22.0
13 59 64.5 80.0 19.4
14 64 63.8 79.7 20.0
16 MEAN 65.2 80.2 18.7
17 STDEV 1.6 2.0 1.7
18 66 60.1 76.9 21.8
19 68 59.8 76.5 21.9
20 77 61.0 75.9 19.6
21 84 63.3 78.6 19.5
22 91 67.8 86.5 21.6
23 96 62.6 84.2
24 98 66.4 85.7 22.6
25 103 61.9 80.4 23.0
26 105 62.4 77.5 19.6
27 110 60.4 78.1 22.7
28 112 61.7 78.3 21.3
29 117 60.5 77.6 22.0
31 MEAN 63.9 80.0 20.0
32 STDEV 2.5 2.9 2.1
Catalyst Bed:
80 mesh - 9 sheets
40 mesh - 18 sheets
20 mesh - 1 sheet
Total number of sheets = 28
Total weight of catalyst - 1037 Troy ounces
C Converter Data
Mixed Bed of 80 and 40 Mesh (50:50 by wt.)
Conv Yield Unreacted
Day % % NH3 %
1 1 72.8 87.3 16.6
2 6 72.6
3 13 75.4 88.3 14.5
4 15 74.3 87.8 15.3
5 20 72.0 89.1 19.1
6 27 72.7 85.7 15.1
7 36 72.6 87.1 16.7
8 41 72.6
9 43 72.6 86.5 16.1
10 48 69.6 86.3 19.3
11 50 70.8 85.6 17.3
12 55 69.1 84.0 17.7
13 57 68.5 82.5 17.0
14 62 64.6 78.3 17.5
15 69 63.5 79.0 19.6
16 74 65.3 83.4 21.8
18 MEAN 70.6 85.1 17.4
19 STDEV 3.5 3.3 2.0
20 76 65.1 77.5 16.0
21 83 68.6 81.8 16.1
22 90 67.3 79.5 15.3
23 97 66.9 75.8
24 102 63.5
25 109 66.8 82.9 19.3
26 111 69.2
27 116 63.3 75.3 16.0
28 118 66.1 76.3 13.4
29 123 64.9 75.8 14.4
31 MEAN 68.9 82.6 16.9
32 STDEV 3.7 4.6 2.0
Catalyst Bed:
80 mesh - 18 sheets
40 mesh - 0 sheet
20 mesh - 1 sheet
Total number of sheets = 19
Total weight of catalyst = 1037 Troy ounces
A Converter Data
80 Mesh Bed
Conv Yield Unreacted
Day % % NH3 %
1 1 79.2 24.3
2 3 71.9 21.6
3 8 66.3 82.8 20.0
4 15 68.4 83.4 18.0
5 17 68.3 87.2 21.7
6 22 65.7 83.7 21.5
7 24 22.9
8 29 66.8 86.9 21.0
9 31 68.5 86.9 21.2
10 38 71.0 22.6
11 43 69.5 23.6
12 45 69.5 23.4
13 50 67.6 86.9 22.2
14 52 20.5
15 57 70.8 23.2
16 59 22.0
17 64 69.7 89.7 22.3
18 68 66.3 85.2 22.3
19 73 69.1 24.1
21 MEAN 68.2 85.2 22.0
22 STDEV 1.8 3.0 1.5
23 75 64.2 86.9 26.1
24 79 64.3 81.3 23.4
25 82 65.8 83.1 20.8
26 87 21.1
27 94 63.1 80.1 21.3
28 99 65.4 89.6
29 101 63.8 86.1
31 MEAN 67.3 84.9 22.1
32 STDEV 2.7 3.1 1.6
33 106 59.6 81.4
34 108 58.9 74.2
35 113 57.6 75.1
36 115 59.7 77.8 23.3
37 120 59.7 77.0 22.5
39 MEAN 65.6 83.1 22.2
40 STDEV 4.1 4.5 1.6

After 21/2 months of operation:

B converter (40 mesh): 65.2/80.2 (% ammonia conversion/yield)

A converter (80 mesh): 68.2/85.2

C converter (mixed): 70.6:85.1

Although a natural gas quality upset, after 21/2 months of operation, caused the performance of the process to drop off, the general trend of the increased ammonia conversion to hydrogen for the improved catalyst pack when compared to the 40 or 80 mesh catalyst pack alone remained the same.

After 4 months of operation:

B converter (40 mesh): 63.9/80.0

A converter (80 mesh): 65.6/83.1

C converter (mixed): 68.9/82.6

Agrawal, Jitendra P.

Patent Priority Assignee Title
6221327, May 15 1998 Rohm and Haas Company Catalyst system using flow-through radiation shielding and a process for producing hydrogen cyanide using the same
Patent Priority Assignee Title
4469666, Nov 08 1979 Johnson Matthey & Co., Limited Catalyst units for producing hydrocyanic acid
Executed onAssignorAssigneeConveyanceFrameReelDoc
Oct 09 1990E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company(assignment on the face of the patent)
Date Maintenance Fee Events

Date Maintenance Schedule
Mar 17 19954 years fee payment window open
Sep 17 19956 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Mar 17 1996patent expiry (for year 4)
Mar 17 19982 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 4)
Mar 17 19998 years fee payment window open
Sep 17 19996 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Mar 17 2000patent expiry (for year 8)
Mar 17 20022 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 8)
Mar 17 200312 years fee payment window open
Sep 17 20036 months grace period start (w surcharge)
Mar 17 2004patent expiry (for year 12)
Mar 17 20062 years to revive unintentionally abandoned end. (for year 12)